I think you forgot to put the number in you Plonker.
2006-11-29 11:42:13
answer #1
answered by Gazpode55 4
I assume you forgot to put in the number and you'll edit your question to add that information.
IQ is simply a measure of mental capacity, where 100 is 'normal'. It generally does not change with age. As with other skills, it can increase with usage or practice.
Your mental capability is determined primarily by the brain God gave you, and secondarily by training, usage, and practice. Good is a subjective measure. How good is your height or your running speed or your arm strength?
If your IQ is 70, you probably won't succeed as a theoretical physicist, but you're perfectly capable of meeting the demands of everyday living and many rewarding professions. If your IQ is 140-150 (genius), please don't waste your time flipping burgers. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
2006-11-29 20:27:25
answer #2
answered by Frank N 7
If you're talking about intelligence, there is no set "good iq". Also, the old standard tests are starting to be phazed out by new ones which focus on different types of intelligence such as musical and interpersonal.
2006-11-29 19:43:05
answer #3
answered by fruitcakeweather 3
Could you rephrase your question? I don't really know what an i.q. of good is. Are you referring to an intelligence quotient, or something else.
2006-11-29 19:41:23
answer #4
answered by ? 2