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It is a long story but we have had many many problems with our current apt. complex. To sum it all up quickly, we were waiting for our renewel notices because our lease was up. We were told we would have plenty of time, to get our renewel and decide if we wanted to stay, or not and be able to give notice to vacate. Well turns out we keep complaining and complaining wanting our notice to see how much our rent was going to go up. Well we get it and it is way to late and we dont like the rate, so we tell them we would like to move out. Now they are telling us we have to pay all of december, and now we can't get the house that we had found. I have witnesses that heard them say we can wait 5 days to give notice if we want to move out after we get the renewel rate. Now we have to have 30. I was md and just paid them the 1088 dollars for 26 days in december, but now regret it. These people are crooks and idiots who dont know what the other said. Is there anything that I can do??

2006-11-29 08:14:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

So even though I was told I could decide 5 days after I recieve a new rate, there is nothing I can do?? I know it has to be in writing but, are there any tricks to get out of it or anything like that because I did nothing wrong. Now that we have finally talked to the manager after a year (have never seen or talked to her because they always say she was never there till now) she says we have to pay and have to give 30 days notice.

2006-11-29 08:28:01 · update #1

6 answers

You're right, unless it's in writing there's not much more you can do. And if there is something else, it'll probably end up costing you more tyring to do something about it, than what you've already paid! Needless to say, it wont be worth it! So you can either continue feeling bad and mad about it or move forward and learn from it! And remembering next time.... "the only way you can get screwed, is if you let them" I would just put my focus and energy on the future. Are they worth getting you down?

By the way, did you guy give a rent deposit when you first moved in? Well, If you did, it might be worth trying to get it back. By making sure the apartment is spotless and painted! The cleaner the unit, the less the take out for the clean up!

2006-11-29 22:51:08 · answer #1 · answered by ALEGNA 3 · 0 0

Yes have an attorney write you a letter of commensement stating that if the money is not returned within th epriod in which you have to move out,it will go to court under the fair housing agreement.I had the same situation but never got a renewal notice even after asking for it for a month.I did this and it worked!

2006-11-29 08:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by gibbyguys 4 · 0 0

What does your LEASE have to say about this?

I don't see how this is a fair housing issue unless you are in a "protected class" and you can prove cause.

Try going over the community mgrs head...is this a mom-n-pop operation of a large corporation? Talk to the main office.

Do you still have your renewal letter? Is it dated? How much notice does the lease require and how much time did they actually give you?

Do you have a record of any maintenance issues that you may have had?

Go to corporate if such exists.

2006-11-29 08:22:41 · answer #3 · answered by mmd 5 · 0 0

First of, the notice period is usually prescribed in the lease and it might weell be that your lease allows for a 30-day notice period in which case, the landlord is not in the wrong.

Second, you do have to pay for the days you are continued occupation of the premises. However, if you leave early so as to comply with the notice period then rent is proarted and the days you are not in occupation are discounted from total rent and refunded back to you.

2006-11-29 08:26:53 · answer #4 · answered by boston857 5 · 0 0

A similar thing happened to me a few years back. I was buying a home, had 1 extra month before closing after my lease was coming due. I asked them to stay 1 more month at my current rent rate. They took some time, then came back wanting the new, higher rent PLUS $200 for the month-to-month. I told them to piss off.

While this was taking place, we had given our written notice to vacate. They did something to avoid putting our unit up for rent while they decided how bad to jack the rent on us. They forgot to market our property after we declined their offer. When we went and gave them the keys, they were surprised.

After that, they destroyed the letter we had given them with our notice. Then they sued us. Took 4 weeks of digging through paperwork, since we had moved twice by now, and finally found our copy of our vacate notice the day before the court date.

They never showed up for court, I did. I had countersued for 3X my deposit, since they had kept it. The law required them to pay me my 3X deposit, since they didn't show they lost in court by default. Finally got my money, but after mountains of headaches.

Unless you gave them written notice of intent to vacate, and you have a copy too, you're probably screwed. It's not fair, but none of it but the signed lease matters. If you can't prove you did what you were required to, by giving written notice in time, you don't have a leg to stand on. Unless you want to sue them in small claims court, get all those witnesses, and still probably lose.

2006-11-29 08:40:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess once you pay....
lesson learned.

get everything in writing........

2006-11-29 08:22:45 · answer #6 · answered by cork 7 · 0 0

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