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As we prepare after the private placement to take the company public in NASDAQ or London Stock Exchange.
The Green Energy area (solar hydrogen) and water (desalination plants) are considered as billion dollars Industries and the potential outcome that could arise, would be enormous. Doing this, you could enjoy other benefits, such as to help the environment and to gain considerable profit.

Availability of system of grants (45% of the total investment) from the European Union, which will leverage our investments and provide outstanding returns to our shareholders.

Minimum investment in 100 blocks shares for 0.10 Euro cent per share.

Finally to obtain some additional information for our company, please read the following. Lion Energy, one of the most important energy companies specialized in the alternative sources of energy at the universal level, is ready to start a pilot implementation of the sun desalination methods, collaborating with Patras University,

2006-11-29 03:07:01 · 3 answers · asked by kostas l 1 in Business & Finance Investing

3 answers

There's a question in there somewhere, I know it.

If you are asking if your IPO is going to be like (or bigger) than Google while starting in the penny stock category ("for 0.10 Euro cent per share")--not a chance. First, Google and highfliers like it were going concerns well before their IPO. Even Martha Stewart had a rich program and product line so that when her Omnimedia went public it made her a billion dollar babe, on paper.

There are lots of wonderful ideas out there, and long have been, who didn't fly to the moon when the public got a chance to buy into them. Mariculture Systems (MCUL) has had a solution to fish farming for years now and their stock is still about 10 cents even after news splashing all around about our fishing the oceans dry in a few decades, along with our losing topsoil and drought conditions everywhere.

The penny stocks are also littered with solar energy companies like yours, who have been offering sun-fueled energy for years. As we see "green" is a growing business, you have that going for you, but to bust out big to make your company bigger than Google or Gates' (Microsoft) is pure, unadulterated dreaming. Sorry.

2006-11-29 03:35:25 · answer #1 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 1 0


2016-12-24 08:20:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Solar Power Design Manual : http://SolarPower.duebq.com/?UcF

2017-04-02 20:38:59 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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