Your friend is showing lack of responsibility of learning from not one but two previous mistakes.
Condoms are not enough as this situation shows. She should of been on birth control and she should of abstain from sex until she was older to where she could be more opt to take care of this situation instead of repeating it.
Three pregnancies by the age of 14 is not healthy nor good.
I would recommend her talking to a youth counselor about placing the baby up for adoption. She is so young and she really needs to settle down on the reality of sex. If she can not handle the responsibility of sex, then she can't handle the responsibility of having a baby.
2006-11-28 15:47:15
answer #1
answered by Mutchkin 6
I totally agree with everyone else. GROW THE **** UP and stop killing innocence babies for your stupidity. Your parents should have done that to you, because they were horny one night, and decided to not use condoms. Condoms rarely break so get a better excuse. The only one you have is that you 2 are young, stupid, and extremely irresponsible. You shouldn't be having babies at 14, it's people like you that flood the welfare systems, and make us responsible people pay for your mistakes, and if you decide to abort than an innocent child who didn't ask to come into this world gets blamed. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE no one else. GROW UP! and start being a little more responsible. I think you both need to be aborted.
2006-11-28 15:34:30
answer #2
answered by DnBprincess850 5
Y'alls way to young to be f*ckin'. Abortion for birth control is bull ****. She needs to talk to her parents or what ever responsible adult she can find, maybe a teacher? There are options besides abortion, she is too young to be able raise a kid on her own, she can't work legally in most states. There are countless families that want children and can't have them for one reason or another and between the two of 2 of you; you have thrown 3 babies away because you are too stupid know that sex means babies? Buy a freakin dildo and enjoy yourself leave the boys alone. You should not be having sex until you are old enough to give a child the love and support it needs, and that includes financially.
2006-11-28 15:36:53
answer #3
answered by Mike E 4
i think your freind has serious problems that she needs to solve it herself. how can one explain that a 14 years old girl is having sex without thinking of her future. being pregnant 2 times already and havingdone abortion should have been a reason for her to realise that life is no joke and that i should be more carefull with the games i plays. but your freind has ignord everything and she still thinks that she earns her own bread and butter.
you tell your freind to keep the baby, grow him into a respectable individual, finish your education, get a good job, stop making sin. 2 abortion should really be a moral disturbance, but apparently your freind cannot resist *****. if condom breaks try another brand, or a guy with a smalller dick. take my advice and tell her that she needs to be serious and to get help frm her community ners, preist, counsellor, not peers who will tell her yeah lay down on the bed and the doctor will get rid of it for you.
2006-11-28 15:39:33
answer #4
answered by creoleman 1
14 is veeeeeery young is her family supportive? can she and him afford a child? abortion is the "easiest" way out but it doesn't mean its the best. She can also give it up for adoption. Her best bet is to go to a plan parenthood and speak to a pregnancy counselor. She can FULLY explain everything to her and get her on BIRTH CONTROL ASAP even for free if she doesnt make any money and is a student.
2006-11-28 15:30:14
answer #5
answered by LaCasa Studio 3
Get her on the damn contraceptive pill, and fast!
That way if the condom breaks (which is rare anyway, I think your friend is probably lying and that she didn't use a condom in the first place), she won't get pregnant.
2006-11-28 20:12:06
answer #6
answered by Astrid 5
i never would have suggested a 14 yo get her tubes tied, but if shes that ignorant perhaps she should.. does she not learn her lesson, not once but twice? do they NOT give out birth control after an abortion??? i'd find that really hard to beleive! i'm guessing she just chooses not to use it.
2006-11-28 15:30:16
answer #7
answered by Mina222 5
get that girl help!! at 14 u shouldn't be havin sex! and if you get pregnant it's ur fault don't kill an innocent live that deserves to life (give it up for addition), she should give up it for adoption (abortions can also affect healthwise later in life!)
2006-11-28 15:29:07
answer #8
answered by Kitsch Nouveau; 2
she really needs help!!!
what kind of home is she
living in that she needs to
be doing that at 14!
2006-11-28 16:18:04
answer #9
answered by UH-MAN-DUH!! 3
tell her stop being a ***** and to stop if it breakes
2006-11-28 15:54:41
answer #10
answered by ♥[[Mia]]♥ 3