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3 answers

I guess u can group them jojo. say it rhythmically in your head in a pattern by 5's

2006-11-28 15:13:46 · answer #1 · answered by summation 2 · 0 0

This can actually be very difficult because we all pronounce words differently. For example, how do you pronounce "fire"? Is it one or two syllables? Some people pronounce it "fi-yer," while others say something that sounds like "far."

Your best bet is to write the poetry (I'm assuming), and if you have strict prosody rules from your teacher, look the words up in a dictionary to find the "standard" syllable break down. If this isn't for a class, then I say, "Use your own dialect and make it sound beautiful!"

2006-11-28 15:13:34 · answer #2 · answered by xgravity23 3 · 0 0

you're going to need to say it out loud. Hold your hand under your chin and count the number of times your chin hits your hand. That's the number of syllables.

2006-11-28 15:14:18 · answer #3 · answered by Heather M 2 · 0 0

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