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4 answers

fix it!

2006-11-28 10:24:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It relies upon on the place the leak is coming from and how plenty is already leaking. reckoning on what form of leakage you have determines extra of my answer. yet whilst it quite is minor your care must be secure to force yet save some power guidance fluid reachable and if at any 2nd you pay attention any noise whilst your turn and turning become perplexing as we communicate placed extra fluid into the ability guidance gauge decrease than the hood to stay away from extra injury and try this till you may get it fixed or a minimum of as you're saying purchase a clean motor vehicle. yet your care could desire to be worth fixing it so as which you additionally could make some money off of it purchase promoting it in case you choose for to purchase yet another motor vehicle and you do no longer choose to maintain that one. evaluate conserving it nevertheless as a lower back up motor vehicle or a "i'm a run miles in this old motor vehicle" form of ingredient. reliable success.

2016-12-14 08:25:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

from where it leaking, hose, seal ?? I had a seal leaking and I put some prestone steering fluid with stop leak in it and it worked. Now thats all I use. Still have a very minor keak but beats installing new pump.

2006-11-28 11:18:26 · answer #3 · answered by tronary 7 · 1 0

buy a new car honey.

'91 cars arnt worth bothering with.

2006-11-28 10:22:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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