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14 answers

old politically incorrect arrogant genius!

He just says what a lot of us would be too afraid to say, for fear of being politically incorrect, and.. yes, he's arrogant, but.. I think that's how we all (or most of us) are inside, at least, we would be if we were in his position/rich enough to slag off expensive cars, haha.

2006-11-28 14:27:54 · answer #1 · answered by llama_pi 1 · 0 0

To be honest, I have been a fan of Top Gear for years and years, but that episode has me wondering whether it deserves my viewing time ever again! I am not a poo pooer killjoy, but, I really do think that the biggest problem with that programme was the fact that they endangered the lives of others. Their cars were not roadworthy, and the way Jeremy Clarkson continued to drive his, with his view severely obstructed around the windscreen and then to continue driving when his windscreen wipers failed to work in a downpour - so badly that he only just avoided collisions with vehicles in the neighbouring lane due to Richard Hammond giving left/right guidance to him over the CB radio, was in my mind, totally irresponsible. I have no problem with Clarkson and co doing stupid things in cars themselves - if they wish to take risks with their own personal safety, that is their prerogative, but to do so in conditions over which they have no control and which also endangers the lives of other people, is at best selfish and at worst irresponsible and dangerous. The incident with the slogans all over the vehicles, and the remarks by JC illustrate just how irresponsible the producers of TG have become in an effort to be entertaining. I accepted long ago that Top Gear is not really a programme about cars, it's more like 'Men Behaving Badly' with cars! However, I enjoyed that, or used to. But if this latest special were something done by one of those Japanese programmes featured on Tarrant on TV, where contestants do totally stupid and potentially dangerous things, we would be astounded that such things could be allowed. Without doubt, had this been filmed on a motorway in this country, the presenters, and possibly the producers would find themselves on several charges for motoring offences.

2016-05-22 23:22:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Politically incorrect hero! He just tells it as it is - I respect that! That's what he's paid to do!!!! People watch Top Gear for an honest opinion on cars and that's exactly what they get. Keep up the good work Mr Clarkson!

2006-11-28 10:02:31 · answer #3 · answered by Helen B 4 · 0 0

Arrogant infantile balding motormouth.
I imagine he floods the bed with baby gravy each night, fantasising about Ferrari Testosterones.
A complete pumper.

2006-11-28 10:22:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Genius - can't wait for Top Gear to re-start - get well soon Hamster!

2006-11-28 10:38:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He used to be an arrogant old man with a bad mullett...now hes an arrogant rich man whos quite funny and ....
.....um means i must be getting old..sh**...

2006-11-28 10:06:17 · answer #6 · answered by ♥♥Skreamz♥♥ 1 · 0 0

Comic genius. He just doesn't care what he says and come on, admit it, he only says what we all think anyway.

2006-11-28 21:51:05 · answer #7 · answered by jeeps 6 · 0 0

first option, because of his appearance on TOTP (did you see Fearne Cotton's embarrasment, when he slagged off that awful rap band, who's name escapes me? Brilliant!)

I wish more people would do the same on TV

2006-11-28 10:09:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He's fantastic. If there were only more people like him around, this country would be a lot better place.

2006-11-28 13:00:37 · answer #9 · answered by Tights Face 2 · 0 0

The former.

2006-11-28 14:53:25 · answer #10 · answered by acgsk 5 · 0 0

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