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they must go to jail for all the murders of the Black people and the opressions that make us poor.Why they not go back to Holland.

2006-11-28 06:51:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

21 answers

Yes! You are right!

2006-11-28 21:18:12 · answer #1 · answered by Motti _Shish 6 · 2 5

I am not going to go on here about the rights or wrongs of the apartheid era, it was wrong but I've never gone along with the slave mentality of some people.
You have your equality, affirmative action now go out there and get rich or whatever you want from life.

Having said that, I am always amused by someone that says if it weren't for us you would be swinging from trees etc.
I have been a great believer that the white man destroyed the lifestyle of those living an ideal life on the islands. It is the white man that made all of the things we are trying to get rid of because of global warming. If it were not for us you could spend a whole day on Clifton beach like I did as a kid, without the worry of the hole in the ozone above you.
So I would argue that if the white man did not invent the boats that brought them from Holland and later everywhere else the people swinging from trees would not be worrying about the possible end of life on earth.

2006-11-29 04:13:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

oh, bla bla bla.....

well said jack Daniels..... i don't know if you actually live in south Africa but a few years ago some laim *** black guy said 'kill the farmer, kill the Boer' and that my friend was the biggest mistake ever!! now we, the white and Afrikaans population has actually stood up and said 'one taxi, 20 blacks'. the sad thing is people round about the age of 37 and down has got nothing to do with the apartheid era. we were all in either diapers or school clothes and now the black community wants to blame us for things out forefathers did. i say shame on you.... o and don't be fooled in thinking that only whites killed black people, o no, black people are just as guilty for killing white people. jack Daniels was right, the black community are now complaining and saying that they had more going for them before 1994 when the government became black empowered. so, before making another idiotic statement or question go do some homework first. then maybe next time you won't make an *** out of yourself. o and saying that we should go back to Holland, some of us where here before the illegal immigrants.

2006-12-01 04:38:52 · answer #3 · answered by lilypod 3 · 0 0

Oh shame...boo hoo!
So now all the afrikaaners must go to jail, even the ones who did nothing?
It's people like you who try and stop the world from going around, then you want everyone to feel sorry for you! Get over the past, live in the present and the world will be a better place!

2006-11-29 22:09:59 · answer #4 · answered by -♦One-♦-Love♦- 7 · 1 0

Darren_nnx lives in Retford, UK and is not South African. It's better to ignore this question. I mean, the underlying reason for black poverty is urbanization. So the question is unfounded. Not necessary even to answer it. According to a recent report on illegal immigrants in the Sunday Times, they found that there are more economical active Zimbabweans in South Africa than in Zimbabwe itself. The average South African is 6 times better off than a Zimbabwean and 20 times better off than someone in Malawi. It was wrong to exclude black people from getting top jobs etc. but it's not true that the underlying reason for black poverty = apartheid. The fact that SA hosts 10 million illegal immigrants is a prove that SA doesn't protect is borders yes! but also that Africans in the rest of Africa regard South Africa as the tower of strength.


Our Arch-rival is definitely a fraud. Like another person mentioned... he used a pic on a SA extremist racist website as his avatar... He also posted his comment under the UK section, like Alf. He's probably an expat who thinks he is very funny. He's also deliberately making as if his grammar is terrible while his grammar is perfect in non-SA question/answers.

2006-11-28 15:37:00 · answer #5 · answered by Malan 3 · 6 0

This question should be ignored.

Arch, Smiley and Poepies are somehow in this together.

First of, the picture that Arch uses as an avatar was taken from the racist weblog southafricasucks (from the same white supremacists who ran southafricaiscrap). Secondly his questions always seem to play into the hands of Poepies and Smiley who respond with racial slur answers like:

"Why do you black people murder all our boere and steal all our belongings and rape the women and children?"


"If it weren't for white people you'd still be living in a bush, swinging around in a tree for fun... Only you can be blamed for being poor. Everybody is responsible for his/her wealth and health. But yes, I guess the white people is the cause for you not using your brain as well?

Shame, can't do anything without having a whity around, not even commit your proper crime!!!!!!! It's pathetic!!!!"

That's just a little too coincidental.


I quote you to illustrate a point. If you read the rest of my response you would see I have used your quote in comparison to something else. Moet jouself nie so vlei nie. Ek het geen hulp van jou nodig nie. En ek is ook nie swart nie. Jy weet wat met Dog gebeur het. Once again the old NP racist idea that non-whites need whites to survive raises it's head.

Arch is clearly a fraud. In some questions his English is perfect and in others he's using the broken language apparent in this question. As mentioned before, the picture used as his avatar was available on a white supremacy blog. He's using the Yahoo answers platform to foster exactly that attitude of "Die wit mens sal altyd beter as die swart man wees." Have a look at your answer and tell me that this is not the case.

2006-11-29 05:42:18 · answer #6 · answered by Ni Ten Ichi Ryu 4 · 2 2

When the Hollanderd came they found a bunch of people with no clothes on. GOOD THING THEY CAME. If you are poor,why are you on the internet,why don't you share your money.
Any more questions like this and I can sue you for public slander and believe me I will win the case. We don't need that type of attitude in this country
Besides white farmers are getting murdered now days. If you want to hand yourself over to the police just do it

2006-11-30 07:44:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm Afrikaans and as much an African and South Africa as you are. We don't need this. Why don't YOU go to Holland? You're pathetic.

2006-11-30 05:35:13 · answer #8 · answered by Vango 5 · 1 0

I was born in Africa not The Nederlands (Holland isnt a country you dumb poep) and secondly I will not be punished for bullshit caused by soem stupid white Afrikaners 20 or 30 years ago!
I killed no black people, I get to stay!

2006-11-29 14:26:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anria A 5 · 5 2

Arch i personally think you are not from South Africa you can't even spell the name of the supposed oppressor the" Afrikaners", you are just trying to get the people going with your idiotic questions. None of the white people or other non blacks can leave Africa because who would give you morons jobs or even feed you , just think about it.

2006-11-29 00:21:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Too many you-know-what in Holland.

2006-11-28 14:55:36 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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