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I have just started her on solid 1st stage baby foods, discussed with my doctor since she has more than doubled her birth weight. She is know 14 lbs and eats the baby food very well. But I am just not too sure if I should be giving her a fruit/ veggie with every bottle or what? Should she eat more than 1 whole jar at a time. She eats the 1 jar pretty fast, so does she need maybe a jar 1/2. She also eats 7-8 bottles a day with 4-6 oz. of formula. Please any ideas or personal experience help will be great... Thanks so much

2006-11-28 06:25:19 · 15 answers · asked by cutebabe465 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

15 answers

My daughter's pediatrician was very practical and basically told me to do what I wanted when I felt my daughter was ready. I started feeding my daughter one tablespoon of rice cereal before her evening bottle at 10 weeks, and she slept from 7pm-6am every night. She has no food allergies and has always been very healthy. A friend of mine breast fed hers until 10 months, and never gave solids until 6 months. The child still doesn't sleep through the night at 15 months, is always sick and allergic to everything. I think by waiting that long to feed them variety their body rejects it. You are the mother, so you know her better than anyone.....you do what feels right and see how she reacts. If you see no problems, continue.

2006-11-28 06:38:00 · answer #1 · answered by Tangled Web 5 · 0 1

Well let me start out by saying....my pedi told me it was ok to give my little one cereal at three months. So you are not the only one. Also, stage one foods are in smaller jars (2 oz I think). But every with every bottle has to be a pain in the butt. Is she in a growth spurt?! Maybe thats why she is eating so much. How is her night time sleeping?!
My daughter at three months was on this routine.

6 - 7 am wake up. 6 oz bottle. --- short nap in here somwhere.
9 - 10 am morning breakfast of 6 oz bottle and 2 tbl cereal --- nap
12 - 1 pm afternoon bottle 6 oz ---- nap
3 - 5 evening bottle 6 oz -----short nap to get ready for bedtime.
7 - 8 nighttime bottle 6 oz 2 tbl cereal - bath, story, bedtime
then she normally woke up once in the middle of the night around 2 - 3 am .

I think that instead of feeding her SO MANY bottle during the day try to get her to eat more at one sitting. Try a 5 oz bottle and then make her wait an extra 30 mintues before you feed. And if that works add another oz and wait an hour. By four months babies shoudl be able to go 4 hours between feedings. 7, 11, 3, and 7. And then once in the night.

Good luck!! And dont worry about all the answers. No one knows your abby better then you.

2006-11-28 06:50:54 · answer #2 · answered by *Erin* 2 · 0 0

My baby is now 5 months but when she was 3 1/2 I started her on cereal along with fruit and veggies..If she is still having so many bottles a day I would recommend upping her ounces and waiting every 4 hours to give it to her. My daughter eats cereal with a fruit/veggie twice a day and only has 5-6 bottles with 6-8 ounces in them..It seems like your baby could be cluster feeding..You can give her cereal in the morning with a fruit (as much as she will eat)..For lunch a veggie (again as much as she will eat) Formula before supper and perhaps veggie/fruit and cereal for supper...Then formula the rest of the time until bed...You can try this although i am not sure if your baby will be satisfied and fulfilled but its worth a try..Good luck and I hope this helps :)

2006-11-28 07:26:56 · answer #3 · answered by rkonkin226 4 · 0 0

I don't have an answer for this either because I never heard of a doctor say to feed solids that young. I guess she wasn't satisfied with the bottle huh? I did give the kids baby cereal with each bottle at that age, but not solids until about 5 months. Maybe things have changed. It's been a while since I had a baby. Follow what the little one wants. She knows if she's hungry but also talk to your doctor if you are worried. That's what they are for! Good luck to you, I am sure every thing will be fine.

2006-11-28 07:06:47 · answer #4 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 0 0

Usually 3 month old babies only need formula/breastmilk, but if your doctor okayed it, I would start out with small amounts. Maybe a couple of jars a day at times when she isn't getting a bottle. Be sure to try the same food out for several days without introducing anything new to make sure she doesn't have an allergy. I always gave the veggies first so that maybe they would like them. If they try fruits first, babies tend to only like the sweet stuff.

2006-11-28 06:43:34 · answer #5 · answered by blessedtexasmom 3 · 0 0

Usually babies start out only eating a few tablespoons (if that) for the first while. The baby, besides being too young, doesn't NEED solids, it's more or less just for practice in swallowing at first. Normally people start with rice or oatmeal baby cereal because it's iron fortified. When you introduce a new food, wait 4 days before introducing another new one to watch for allergic reactions.

With my kids, I started them with a little cereal once a day, then after a while gave it to them twice a day, my youngest was almost 8months before eating a whole jar at a time and she still only gets solids twice a day usually.

Doubling birth weight alone is not a sign that babies should begin solids. The signs of readiness are sitting up on their own, no tongue thrust reflex, showing interest in food, ablitity to 'tell' you they are full...

Sounds like your baby is eating a bit too much for her age IMO.

Check out:
Is baby ready for solids food- http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/readyforsolids.htm
Baby menu sample (6-8months)- http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/babymenua.htm

2006-11-28 09:41:11 · answer #6 · answered by ♥Jenn♥ 3 · 1 0

Every child is different. My child was on stage 1 at 2 months and by 4-5 months on stage 2's some 3's. He cut his teeth at 4 months. Try and get her on a schedule with feeding. Try getting her to eat maybe a fruit mixed with rice cereal for breakfast, a veggie for lunch and one or the other for dinner and give her bottles in between. Just make sure shes eating because shes hungry and not just because. Putting her on a schedule should help, but it the problem still persist, talk to a pediatrician.

2006-11-28 07:09:08 · answer #7 · answered by Mandy 1 · 0 0

I've never heard of a doctor recommending solid food before age 4 months and even then, it was just cereal. Almost all recommend waiting until at least 4-6 months with 6 months being ideal.

Babies don't even NEED solid food until age 12 months.

That being said, if this is what your doctor told you to do, I can't fault you for going with his/her recommendation. However, if it were me, I would get a second opinion.

2006-11-28 06:39:22 · answer #8 · answered by Jen 3 · 2 0

I am surprised that your dr told you to feed your baby solids already. Most don't want you to start until 5-6 months. Actually she should be just drinking formula and maybe some baby cereal. One or two teaspoons for breakfast or lunch. I just think 3 months is too early for solids.

2006-11-28 06:30:17 · answer #9 · answered by mktk401 4 · 2 0

A big misconception is that bigger babies need to eat more. This is not true. Some babies are just naturally bigger. Babies should not start solid foods until closer to 6 months of age. If you start sooner you are risking the chance of obesity and diabetes. As parents we want what is best for our children.

2006-11-29 03:50:37 · answer #10 · answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6 · 0 0

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