i like your idea
but i dont really think anything is going to happen here...
we would have to get out on the streets and such.
2006-11-28 03:36:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You have actually broken the law by suggesting such an action and can be prosecuted. If you really want to effect change in our political scene you have to get off your backside and go and vote.
Labour will get in again, unfortunately, but with a much reduced vote. It depends on the true numbers of immigrants they have let in and the peoples resolve to stop the abuse of power that Labour has made a precedent in their term of office. This will be the first time UKIP and the BNP will make big inroads into the political scene and Labour will not have it all their own way in the next Parliament, it has become known that more than 20% of the conservative candidates at the next election will be Gay (i have nothing against gays I am trying to establish a reason) and this will have a devastating effect on the Conservatives vote, the conservative have moved into labour politics and Labour makes no pretence about being communists. If you like; the next election will be a straight fight between communism and the Nationalism of the two up and coming parties of the slightly to the right with the liberals losing heavily (this is because of reverse racialism, Notable Liberals have made it known that they no longer support the right of the English to exist ). This is the revolution and it is at the ballot boxes where it should be.
2006-11-28 13:19:50
answer #2
answered by Redmonk 6
I admire you spirit, having spent most of my life trying to kick start real change in the politcal system of the UK. But just what kind of revolution do you want? If you want a Nazi-style revolution then count me out. If you want a violent revolution count me out.
If you want a revolution that leads to a better society for all, where equality is real, where ordinary people control their own lifes, where power is not exercised by the few over the many for the economic gain of a minority, then perhaps, just perhaps, I might join you. If you are serious - email me.
2006-11-28 20:43:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Choose your location carefully. Perhaps Yahoo answers is not the place!! Before you decide to incite a revolution, you should first consider whether or not your idea will find support. And be prepared to get arrested!! Things You'll Need
Small red or black book to hold up and point at.
Soapbox or podium.
Defining physical characteristic, easily caricatured. (This is key. Try to be original. Note that the following have already been taken: facial hair; ; unusual glasses; affected down-home-country accents).
List of enemies.
Red pen for crossing off names.
Composer. (Revolutions need music.)
Your stage is set............................
2006-11-28 17:05:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
We will need to do something pretty big to kick start it, a few college students waving flags won't solve anything.
Something on a grand scale needs to happen and someone will need to take responsibility for that action so supporters can get behind them.
A revolution will need to be organised and structured if it is to suceed and achieve our goal of getting our country back.
The instigators of the revolution will need to convince 'joe public' that they can do a better job at protecting them from terrorists/crime etc than the government can.
Remember alot of people talk a good game on this subject, but would they be willing to risk everything for it?
I for one would but I hate to say the majority would rather turn and look away, even if it means our country goes on ever decreasing downward spiral.
2006-11-28 12:34:18
answer #5
answered by First Ascent 4 Thistle 7
To the baricades my friends! Only problem is, what happens when all the vicious infighting about who governs in Tony Blair's place starts and the revolution starts destroying itself from within? I propose a simple solution: the revolutionaries must agree right now to do exactly what i say, no questions asked, and avoid such conflict. But then, what if i'm an evil twisted dictator (i say 'if')? Hmm ... cannot see a solution to this problem, or maybe i just have an extremly pessimistic view of human nature (one that is unfortunately backed up by centuries of history).
2006-11-28 11:47:00
answer #6
answered by Nikita21 4
I'm in, if you can get the funds together I'll hire an army of ruthless mercenaries, then we can blow the **** out of the government and anybody who voted for the labour party. It will improve this country no end to remove these liberal fools and start again with a truly self considerate government.
2006-12-02 09:04:33
answer #7
answered by jb 2
heres what you do watch this link http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=786048453686176230&q=terrorstorm realise what is happening ,when you realise what is happening forward that link to everyone you know .and as you go about your buisness stand up for your rights and freedoms ,question the government when possible and dont bow to people that call you a traitor or a racist for doing so.if you can sayin your heart your not a racist ,then question your government on why our boarders are open ,why we are part of the EU ,why we need this bullshit BIG BROTHER which is basicly being put in to enslave us and on and on ,stand up for whats right.the people have the power cliche as it is nd untill there woken up and are given the real info about whats going on nothing will change and things will and are getting worse all the time ,hope you take the time to be informed and find what your looking for ,for the right reasons.
2006-11-28 13:53:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
As my name suggests I would be behind any revolution, particularly a communist one; however at this time I feel that what Britain needs is not a revolution, simply a strong committed leader who will challenge the current institutions of Labour and Conservative, and who will give this country what it needs; stricter immigration controls; NHS reforms; review of Iraq policy etc.
Revolution for Britain is a long way off. Maybe one day, but not today.
2006-11-28 16:09:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This link is not malicious it belongs to 'Democracy Now' a reputable organisation just like 'Media Lense' which scrutinisis the press and other media.
Revolution? Listen to this or print it out - then decide!
Revolution - yes in the form of a 'chain letter'!!! That should get the message across!
2006-11-28 12:20:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You don't say what country you live in. Your wording is ambiguous.
I hope it's Mexico. There's a country that really needs a revolution. Hopefully you will get it going before Chavez gets there. And here's some food for thought: starting a revolution of any kind has more of a chance for success if it's not openly planned, like on an internet site. Good luck.
2006-11-28 11:43:00
answer #11
answered by happy heathen 4