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Why is it that in UK we warship them so much everything we do must have them in it like 'l am a celeb ...get me out,celeb Big brother,celeb love island,who wants to be a million...celeb,celeb dancing etc.Do not tell me the non-celeb can not do all this.

2006-11-27 17:32:47 · 16 answers · asked by TheMan 2 in Entertainment & Music Television

16 answers

It's not just in Britain - it's everywhere.

It annoys me most in magazines - I don't need to see a celebrity's bathroom, or a celebrity draped over his or her sofa.
Worse still are the articles on how a celebrity lost a stone in 12.5 minutes.

2006-11-27 18:21:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't know about the UK, but here in the states, the reality shows that feature average people are always portrayed in a negative light...they are always fighting, they back stab, and they will do whatever it takes to win the big prize...the celebrities may want to do the same, but because they are "celebs" they have to maintain as much restraint as possible...whether you like it or not, people like to see celebs out of their "norm", it's just a fascination that most of us cannot resist.....and by the way, Big Brother didn't have well known celebs, they were people like you and me, who made themselves a household name by acting like the animals that they did while on television...

2006-11-27 18:20:54 · answer #2 · answered by kate 5 · 0 0

I agree with you totally. I gave up with reality TV a long time ago. Lets face it, it's just a lot of want to be's acting like morons. Just don't encourage them! If enough people give up with TV we may get some good programs back. The celebs on reality TV are the desperate ones who are lacking in popularity and need to be known or they deem themselves useless (which they probably are in a daily life sort of sense).

2006-11-27 18:17:40 · answer #3 · answered by SR13 6 · 0 0

I know what you saying. Once reality tv came to our screens a decade or so ago, it was discovered to be a ratings winner, and now television is saturated with so many variants of this theme, I am now getting sick of it. The novelty is wearing off. TV have just about covered a-list- to z-list and non-celebrities, in just about all manner of situations. Its time for something new. But it looks like voyeuristic television is here to stay. It makes us feel sound when other people, especially celebrities are exposing their vulnerabilities.

2006-11-27 17:47:39 · answer #4 · answered by Loraine 2 · 0 0

Well, here in the US apparently being a celebrity means that you can get away with murder, (ala OJ Simpson, Robert Blake etc...)so at least you guys don't have that problem yet....

That whole saying of "Hollywood being like high school with money" is too true - it's a very teenage mentality. I am sick of hearing about all of them as well. It's everywhere and it's pretty pointless.

2006-11-27 21:24:44 · answer #5 · answered by slipstreamer 7 · 0 0

This kind of TV is rubbish. It says nothing It's all publicity for people of varying degrees of talent just to get them on the box.
Like most people you watch because someone in some paper or magazine says so. BAA BAA you sheep.

2006-11-27 18:26:15 · answer #6 · answered by ALAN W 3 · 0 0

Because it's funnier to see celebs making dicks of themselves!
FYI I don't (warship) or even worship anyone :-)

2006-11-27 17:35:57 · answer #7 · answered by Lupee 3 · 0 0

Your absolutly right, they think they are so good. walk into shops and expect stuff for free. While ever numbskulls watch that crap on the telly they will make money/

2006-11-27 18:25:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

then quit watching T.V... reading the papers.. listening to the radio.... sorry every where you look you will have the celebrities out there plus they are entertaining

2006-11-27 22:53:46 · answer #9 · answered by MissMonk 7 · 0 0

Not just UK but other countrys too like canada,us,japan...

2006-11-27 17:34:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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