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its got beads in it, for the blackheads and the back only lists one ingredient, its medicinal ingredient, salysic acid or however u spell that. anyways i know some blackhead scrubs are only the actual scrub beads and not a cleaner, i was wondering if this one is both, blackhead scrub beads and a face cleanser with soap in it.

its clean and clear brand black head clearing scrub itsa purple bottle. thanks much

2006-11-27 16:02:42 · 3 answers · asked by chocolate_cat 3 in Beauty & Style Makeup

3 answers

Scrubs are cleansers, thats why it has the beads AND the liquid soapy stuff surrounding it. If its by "Clean" and Clear, I'm pretty sure the clean in its name indicates its for cleansing purposes. Hope that helps.

2006-11-27 16:27:38 · answer #1 · answered by Saragrrl 2 · 0 0

Salysic acid is a ingredient used in blackhead and pimple prepaarations for oily buildup cause both and the salycic acid stops escess oil formation and heals breakouts. It is not a cleaner so you need to clean your face with a non-drying soap-preferably DOVE and then use the blackhead scrub. To avoid blackheads altogether get some Witchhazel-can be found any rugstore-comes from a plant but kills bacteria and disinfects the skin. Also returns skin to normal PH. After using and rinsing off the blackhead sctrub with a cotton ball or pad--- pat on witchhazel and leave it on-it will brighten and keep you skin clear. Anytime you sweat should get off face ASAP for in the sweat is bacteria which will aid in forming blackheads and breakouts. I use witchhazel every AM as the last sep in AM hygiene and always have clear skin but if I do not do can see the difference in about a week. and I start using it again

2006-11-28 00:36:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ill make it sort and sweet so you don't get all confused, if its got salicylic acid in it you should really use your normal cleanser after you exfoliate with the scrub, so no residual is left over and bacteria is washed away. good luck.

2006-11-28 04:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by Dee 5 · 0 0

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