that's a unique question... but Man started off in Africa, but migrated to the rest of the Earth. When they got to Europe, the climate and environment changed the appearance of the Original man. Why would you even want to know "how long did it take for people to change" ?? how would that help you? why don't you ask why the Europeans would historically think they are better than Asians, Native Americans, and Africans in the world? Or why any race would think they are superior and almost kill off a race and take --to that same land,-- another race they feel superior to? Or ask why some white people hate the fact that their ancestors are from the continent they despise so much. damn, I got way off subject..
2006-11-27 16:12:20
answer #1
answered by king 2
The white people and the black people came from different regions of the earth.
Black people didn't split into various groups, move around the earth and suddenly 'beome' different races.
If you are genuinely interested then take an anthropology class.
2006-11-27 16:37:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Everybody knows what they want to believe. No one really knows what went on where or when. I mean, I know some old dudes, but none that old.
Probably some of the oldest/purest people known to man live in and are from the Artctic region. They aren't black or white.
2006-11-27 15:56:30
answer #3
answered by Uncle Baby 2
lol...are you for real? Define white? Do you mean Celtics? Germanics? Slavs? The Aryans? It's not really possible to say. I admit it is an interesting question though. They supposedly originated somewhere in southwest asia..around the Caucas mountains (caucasian I guess) at least 7000 years ago, probably longer...but even that is debatable.
2006-11-27 15:55:56
answer #4
answered by tata_bigs 2
Depends on what you believe.
Most people believe each race was created as such. So White people have always been around.
Others believe that blacks were the first and then other races evolved from them.
2006-11-27 16:35:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Great question...and I wish I knew the answer to that, There is a Discovery or History Channel movie called Walking with Cavemen,,cant remember if they address that or not but you may want to look into that
2006-11-27 15:52:23
answer #6
answered by Em W. 4
we lived in the great white north for many years, and when the abominable snow man chased us out we invaded Spain, and then points further south, then we turned white, and the rest is history.
2006-11-27 15:54:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure either, but I am sure that your silhouette looks white...change that please, I'm sure you have a picture of a proud black just would fit so much better, I'm in no way being a smart ***, or trying to offend.
2006-11-27 19:46:22
answer #8
answered by melanie 3
Not long, I was born that way! Come on challenge me with a better Question!!!!
2006-11-28 03:22:59
answer #9
answered by tweetyl196935 1
so hows that! i really don't think ur knows what ur talking about, but no one knows who were here first, but God and he made two of every thing. man and woman! i think God has so much power that he did all he had to do at once.
2006-11-27 16:01:35
answer #10
answered by Kas-O 7