I have heard this also, but don't know for certain.
I hope not but in a way it would be a fitting ending for him to die in the ring.
I have checked IMDb and Rocky is running a deli (Adrian has died of cancer) but misses the sport.
They don't (of course) give the ending away.
From IMDb:
Now it is a Battle of the Ages. A true battle of Will v.s. Skill.
With the help of Paulie, Tony (his old trainer), and of course his son, it is truly, his final countdown.
Sounds a bit ominous doesn't it?
I for one will line up for a ticket.
I mean if you have followed Rocky from the start you have to see him through to the end!
2006-11-27 22:01:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sylvester's character Rocky doesn't die but the film opens with him in the graveyard next to his wife Adrian's headstone. Motivational plot initiation from the start. From the opening scene you already know the outcome of the fight, Rocky is victorious and screams to Heaven "Yo Adrian I Did It". The audience goes nuts "yeah Rock did it". Hope I didn't spoil anyone's plans, but lets be serious, who didn't know the outcome already? BTW this is the straight skinny not a joke.
2006-12-01 07:53:36
answer #2
answered by OMG Help Ricky 3
I hope not. But it is time to end the rocky movies he is getting old, his "son" needs to start fighting
2006-11-27 21:25:42
answer #3
answered by Wicked 7
A lot of us thought he was already dead! Geez, it's ridiculous to think he's doing another Rocky movie. Is he like going to be boxing while using a walker?
I have trouble, though, believing that they'd kill off the character. Not because they think they can squeeze another movie out of him but because American audiences don't like seeing their heroes die onscreen.
2006-11-27 21:37:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
no i didn't hear that..i hope this Rocky is better than Rocky 5..
2006-11-27 21:29:50
answer #5
answered by nas88car300 7
Oh, I certainly hope so.
I am so sick of sequels, and especially this series.
Talk about beating a dead horse.
I hope he dies in the first 3 minutes of the film.
2006-11-28 01:06:38
answer #6
answered by dork 7
It's about time he did.
2006-11-27 21:23:09
answer #7
answered by Docta Jones 4
well it would be about time
2006-11-27 21:33:18
answer #8
answered by rocker chic liz 2