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i would like to major in fashion consultancy

2006-11-27 12:46:16 · 2 answers · asked by Mimi 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

Do I need a portfolio if I am applying to a business/technology major?

No. Only applicants to an art/design major will be asked to submit a portfolio. See Portfolio Requirements.

The portfolio evaluation is done by your major department. The written results of that evaluation are forwarded to Admissions and are considered along with other criteria to render a decision. The portfolio should demonstrate artistic ability and creativity, as well as enthusiasm for, and the potential to succeed in, your chosen major.

When should I send my portfolio?

Use our posted guidelines to begin assembling your portfolio well before you apply. However, don't submit your portfolio until after you have filed your application and received specific instructions from us as to how, when and where.

What GPA do I need to be admitted to FIT?

The Admissions Committee looks at your overall academic performance - as well as individual grades and the kinds of courses taken - to choose applicants with the greatest potential to succeed at FIT. Although each major receives a different number of applications for a limited number of places, we generally consider applicants with a grade point average in the range of a B or better. Students are encouraged to take a college-preparatory curriculum. In high school, this might include AP, IB, honors and regents (for NYS students) classes. If coming from college, we prefer to see solid academic achievement in core liberal arts classes. See transfer credit evaluation.

What are the SAT and ACT scores needed to be admitted to FIT?

SATs and ACTs are not required for admission purposes. They are, however, required for the Presidential Scholars Program. Also, they may come in handy with regard to college placement exams. A verbal score of 530 or higher and/or a math score of 520 or higher may be used to waive placement exams in English and math, respectively. A math score of 620 or higher is needed to waive the placement exam in algebra.

Are interviews required?

The Admissions Office does not conduct interviews. Rather, we rely on the essay to give you the opportunity to tell us more about yourself. Keep it real, but keep it positive. Make the essay as long or as short as you wish, but try to make it compelling and relevant to your application. In other words, tell us what has brought you to this point at which you are ready to commit to your chosen major at FIT. Presentation is also important, so keep it neat, and don't forget to check your spelling and grammar.

How many letters of recommendation are required for admissions?

Letters of recommendation are not required.

2006-11-29 13:25:50 · answer #1 · answered by Caitlin 5 · 0 0

howdy..you've set intense aims on your existence and that is tremendous I in simple terms had to congratulate you. without aims we may be going no the position quick! i could not rather answer your question because the perception of attending an Ivy league college wasn't precisely in my plans good after intense college. i ought to under no circumstances have adequate money it and that i absolutely had a three.2 GPA>>>i did not have undesirable grades yet its extraordinarily a lot an average GPA, MY SAT ratings werent that sturdy. anyhow...my element is that i'm in college..My college the following in Miami easily has what's termed an honors college Its now problematic to get in yet its very low-cost. also its very annoying...I advise in case you get in this software i do not advise having a job because many people can't deal with it. we are speaking about TAKING a minimum of seven-8 training at a time. To make a lengthy tale short scholars contained in the honors college complete the first 2 years of faculty and move to easily right universities for something else of there practise. MANY even move to Ivy league colleges...its less intense priced this form and your nonetheless getting the tutorial you want! nicely sturdy success girly!

2016-11-27 02:49:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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