the fact that you wrote BUSH CHENEY 08 tells me you are an idiot
2006-11-27 11:50:55
answer #1
answered by Lexi 5
Okay, Liberals like security just as much as conservatives. Liberals don't want to tear this country apart, nor make it any less safe. THey love america as much as you do and I do. However, they voice important concerns regarding how far our government should go to preserve security. Is torture okay? Doesn't that sorta go against everything our country has believed in up to this point? What about spying on people's phone calls? Or imprisoning people without cause or legal consult during a time in which a war has actually not been declared (by Congress, which is necessary for it to officially be a "war"). The important question Conservatives and Liberals both need to ask themselves is how many of our guaranteed freedoms are we willing to sacrifice in order to preserve the security of our country, and at what point do we say we've given up too much. We all need to ask ourselves "am I okay being listened to on the phone? would I be okay being detained? is it okay if they tortured me to get information if they thought I was a threat?" And honestly, I'm not saying all of those answers should be a no. I believe in sacrificing some to preserve this country. But at a point (probably around torture and detainment) I say enough is enough.
Also, Cheney only has two E's, not 3. Way to go. And constitutionally they can't run in '08.
2006-11-27 20:07:13
answer #2
answered by Owen 5
All citizens of this nation appreciate the national security we have. However, not all citizens are secure in their lives and property. There's a balance between security and authoritarian rule/police state. Too far one way and we lose our civil rights, too far the other way and we have rampant crime and disorder.
This question isn't about liberals and conservatives. It's about security. Whether one is liberal or conservative doesn't matter.
All citizens should be concerned about civil rights and the advancement of civil rights for all citizens. Civil rights are not civil licenses. Civil rights are the basic framework of agreements between the citizens and the government. Civil rights are not civil license. One cannot do just anything one wants.
Security can mean anything, security in property, security in health, security of the nation, state or county. Narrow the question to something less flammable. This questions assumes that Liberals hate security and that simply isn't the case. Liberals want to be certain theirs and others' civil liberties are secure....among other things. Try to be more specific.
2006-11-27 20:00:10
answer #3
answered by Sleepee 2
I'm going to type this very slowly...Bush Cheeny (sic) 08 is a moronic prayer. Presidents are limited to two terms.
Because you've identified yourself as a moronic right wing republican terrorist, I don't think you'd understand any answer to your idiotic question, but I'll see if I can simplify it for you:
Liberals do not hate security. That said, that makes your question an idiot's drivel. An intelligent English-speaking person has a vocabulary of about 400,000 words. They can utter those words in any order they choose. And yet, you chose to present these particular words in this particular order. Hm.
I'm going to recommend that you go back to the recommended dosage.
2006-11-27 19:55:19
answer #4
answered by Stuart 7
I think I am a liberal and I love security.
Without security, I won't be able to be a liberal - I mean my life may be endangered and if I am not here to tell the tale, what good is all my liberalism?
2006-11-28 06:29:37
answer #5
answered by happy inside 6
Hmmmm . . dems plan to put in motion all the security measures recommended by the 9/11 commission that were ignored by the Bush administration. Looks like they love security, just like Americans love to vote for their platform to increase security measures.
2006-11-27 19:51:56
answer #6
answered by Gerty 4
Why do conservatives hate freedom?
What the heck is "wnadering?"
You do know that W isn't elligible to run in 2008 because he's already served two terms, right?
Who the heck is Cheeney?
2006-11-27 19:53:16
answer #7
answered by sparky52881 5
You're the one's who can't secure Iraq buddy!
2006-11-27 19:55:19
answer #8
answered by FootballFan1012 6
What Sparky said!!
2006-11-27 19:57:00
answer #9
answered by SICKO 2 4
its all about politics
2006-11-27 22:48:40
answer #10
answered by goodtimesgladly 5