I will never Vote for a Liar of a Politican. I will never re-vote for anyone whom refuses to support the ""NEEDS"" of the American People instead of their own Personal Desires. Herbert West III
2006-11-29 01:40:35
answer #1
answered by west.herb@yahoo.com 4
The only reason New Orleans hasn't been rebuilt is too many of the former residents are waiting for someone else to rebuild for them instead of doing it themselves. The World Trade center would have had a grand reopening on 9-11-02 if people like you hadn't spent so much time arguing about what type of memorial to build and realized the best memorial would be to rebuild the towers with the same exterior appearance. The rest of your rant does not have enough structure to read, let alone answer.
2006-11-27 13:50:13
answer #2
answered by STEVEN F 7
Who says the government doesn't care about the American People? Who says? You?
We are rebuilding New Orleans, slowly but surely. We want to make sure that the city will not be destroyed completely again if there is another hurricane.
The World Trade Center is being built on by private donation, and ther is ALREADY government fundindg dfor it.
The job market has been its highest in the past 5 years since 9 / 11. So what are you talking about?
IF you say that the govt. isn't in correspondance to the PEOPLE, why are we fighting and protecting our borders?
2006-11-27 11:50:10
answer #3
answered by Jason M 3
If this world is perfect and free of any problems or calamities, we don't need to elect officials to do the jobs. Lets face the reality, the world is imperfect and will remain so. If we don't vote, the problems will not disappear automatically. The most important thing is people should vote intellectually, people should learn everything about the candidates and vote for the best people who could run the Country, and lead the world.
2006-11-27 12:02:17
answer #4
answered by longliveabcdefg 7
Well honey, you just asked the wrong person. You are so right--we do need help in this country. New York had buildings flattened. We need to stay right here and do nothing and let them bomb us royally. Yep. Good idea. You want us to vote for someone who will do something for our country. Name one person to do the job better. Crooked politicians. Name an honest one. You can't. They wouldn't be there if they were honest. We have as good as you can get. I probably don't like what we have any better than you do but it is good as it gets. If you think you can run this country better--run for president. If not--quit your bitching. Thank you.
2006-11-27 12:06:46
answer #5
answered by old_woman_84 7
Dear Comrade: Wake up and smell the coffee. We ignored Germany until we couldn't and we ended up in WW2. Slick Willie ignored Bin Laden until we couldn't and we ended up with 9/11. See how the patern repeats itself? May I suggest a course in typing and/or English between chapters of the Communist Manifesto? If you ran, would it be under the green party, or the socialist? Just curious.
2006-11-27 13:30:00
answer #6
answered by klarf 3
Because, if you would stop watching Clinton News Network for a second and do some research for once, you'd find out that these things you "accuse" us of are actually more beneficial than Clinton's economy regression and military failures.
2006-11-27 13:31:15
answer #7
answered by daniel g 3
They don't even care enough to fix the broken borders. Signing a bill to build a relatively small fence in the future with no way to pay for it is not acceptable.
I see your point.
2006-11-27 11:48:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Nobody ever siad peace is more expensive then war, BUT we seem to forget if we didn't protect ourselves as well as our intrests we wouldn't have anyhting to be proud of.
2006-11-27 11:51:12
answer #9
answered by christopher m 1
the people that do this have been brain washed, and the way to brain wash them is stick a garden hose up their rectum.
2006-11-27 11:57:18
answer #10
answered by roy40372 6