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I'm thinking about trying it. If you've sold it before, do you think it's worth it? Can you make decent money? How much does it usually cost to start?

2006-11-27 10:39:42 · 6 answers · asked by Killer Nandin 3 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

6 answers

here in Houston is $10 some other states is $15.

yes it makes you money. but there are two secrets to it.

1. sign up as many people as you can and the most important

2. if you're buying products for yourself don't spend more that what you're earning.

as with any business try to save as much as you can at first

good luck

if you need someone to sign you up e-mail me @ rosera@sbcglobal.net

It doesn't matter if you have only a few customers at first. If those cutomers are making orders of $100 or more your profit can be up to 50% when placing your orders online. remember X-mas is around the corner

2006-11-27 10:49:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It takes $10 to start and they give you your first brochures and samples along with tons of information and tips.

You usually wont start making money until you've got about 10-15 customers but basically you make as much as you put into it. If you get a bunch of brochures and pass them out like crazy you'll get crazy customers. It's easy if you try. I think it's a lot of fun because of my love for make up and other beauty products. They also sell a lot of jewelery and toys for kids and some clothes which I've actually had half of my sales from the kids toys. I was unsure if I wanted to do it myself but then I got to thinking....It's only $10. What's it going to hurt giving it a try? If you dont' like it then you can just stop doing it.
Also any samples, brochures or any other business tools you get to write off on your taxes.
What area do you live in? Email me if you have any other questions, I'm full of information. Rndistgg@yahoo.com

2006-11-27 12:58:46 · answer #2 · answered by asasface 1 · 0 0

My female friend use to sell Avon, trust me to make any good money you need about 50/100 customers. If you are thinking of selling just to a few friends and family forget it, you will not make that much.

2006-11-27 10:48:02 · answer #3 · answered by CT 6 · 0 1

Stay away from Cash Create and other survey Web sites!

It's a waste of time and will cause you unhappiness.

If you choose to get suckered in and sign up to take surveys and receive free trials considered you were warned. The minute you give them your credit card and personal information you have now opened your computer to unwanted cookies on your hard drive, annoying pop-up windows and if you are on a PC you open your computer to viruses that can wipe you out.

2006-11-27 15:44:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it doesnt cost anything to start i know a few people that have done it you get a percentage of what you sell so the more you sell the more you make you need to make a good reputation for yourself turn up on time take people stuff as soon as it arrives etc once you have done that people will tell there friends,family and neighbours stick at it the longer you o it the bigger client base you will have..

2006-11-27 10:49:39 · answer #5 · answered by foxy lady 4 · 1 0

Hi, I don't know anyone in Avon who stayed very long as you can't retire on that. I can send you a link to the one I am currently involved in if you are interested. Please email me to rpelley5@yahoo.com. Thank you.

2006-11-27 12:20:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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