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I was already in overtime for the week, and was called in for the thankgiving holiday which the company pays time + 1/2.

2006-11-27 10:01:47 · 2 answers · asked by sergeant151 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

most places I've worked when not on salary it has been double time and a half. You get paid for the holiday plus time and a half for working it.. At some companies which were union if I was already over 40 hours and on overtime that week I got triple time.

But most places it is only double time and a half.

2006-11-27 10:07:41 · answer #1 · answered by JUAN FRAN$$$ 7 · 1 0

A lot of places pay double time for holidays and if you are called in on a holiday that you were not scheduled to work for, double time and a half.

2006-11-27 18:06:01 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

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