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Of all the mystery shopper programs that I have looked into, I can't find any that do not require money up front, and I have heard that most things that need front money are scams. Have you ever participated in a program and actually made money at it? Are there any that dont require cash up front? Even one that does would be ok if it were the real deal and not a scam. Any feedback would be appreciated, and of course contact info would be great...I dont know if area matters as most programs seem to be nationwide, but i am in SE Texas. Thanks.

2006-11-27 09:56:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

5 answers

You should never be required to pay anything when applying for a mystery shopper job. I think Barre Associates, Beyond Hello, and Jancyn are names of a few companies.

2006-11-27 10:14:21 · answer #1 · answered by gawd0 5 · 0 0

Stay away from Cash Create and other survey Web sites!

It's a waste of time and will cause you unhappiness.

If you choose to get suckered in and sign up to take surveys and receive free trials considered you were warned. The minute you give them your credit card and personal information you have now opened your computer to unwanted cookies on your hard drive, annoying pop-up windows and if you are on a PC you open your computer to viruses that can wipe you out.

2006-11-27 16:00:30 · answer #2 · answered by Avis B 2 · 0 1

You have to apply to become a mystery shopper at the websites of these market research companies. They will then contact you if they have any assignment in your area. List of companies where you can apply free and links to relevant websites available at http://tinyurl.com/n474j

2006-11-29 20:42:17 · answer #3 · answered by BU1 3 · 0 1

"Mystery Shopper" is normally for office parties. Have no idea what scam you are taking about.

2006-11-27 10:03:49 · answer #4 · answered by kam_1261 6 · 0 1

see my 360 page ... i get paid to read emails

2016-03-12 23:56:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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