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Write a rational expression that has a simplified form 2x + 1 / x with restrictions where x cannot be 0, 2, -3/4

2006-11-27 06:55:50 · 3 answers · asked by thomasgraham880 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

3 answers

------- =

(2x+1)(x - 2)(4x + 3)
-------------------------- =
x(x - 2)(4x + 3)

8x³ - 6x² - 17x - 6
-------------------------- =
4x³ - 5x² - 6x

8x³ - 10x² - 12x + 4x² - 5x - 6
------------------- ----------------- =
4x³ - 5x² - 6x

...... 4x² - 5x - 6
2 + ----------------
..... 4x³ - 5x² - 6x

2006-11-27 07:21:48 · answer #1 · answered by Wal C 6 · 0 0

X^2 + X + a million answer. First get them so as and upload up or subtract those that are a similar. as an get mutually -X+2X=X . you won't be able to do no longer something else with something else because there distinct.

2016-11-29 20:34:45 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

(2x + 1)(x - 2)(x + ¾)
x(x - 2)(x + ¾)

(2x² - 3x - 2)(x + ¾)
(x² - 2x)(x + ¾)

2x³ - 1.5x² - 17x/4 - 1.5
x³ - 5x²/4 - 1.5x


2x³ - 1.5x² - 4.25x - 1.5
x³ - 1.25x² - 1.5x

2006-11-27 07:03:55 · answer #3 · answered by Dave 6 · 0 0

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