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Professional complainer and shakedown artist Jesse Jackson is in the news again. Today in California, along with black congresswoman Maxine Waters, he has called for an official "end" to the use of the word "n i gg e r" by ALL people. This of course is the SAME Jesse Jackson who referred to NYC as "hymie town" (a racist slur against Jews) and the same Jesse Jackson who admitted on "60 Minutes" that as a teenage cook he used to spit in the food of white patrons (a racist ACTION against whites.) Now he has called for all people to stop using the word "n i gg e r." WIll he demand that this ban start with black rap and hip-hop artists who use the term ad naseum? Will it include black youth that refer to one another by that termn daily? Of will he follow his racist roots and only require non-blacks to follow this dictum? Will the double standard enjoyed by blacks in America be challenged or will the status quo of two laws (one for whites and an easier one for blacks) be followed?

2006-11-27 06:18:46 · 18 answers · asked by Mr. Curious 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

18 answers

he is so full of crap, he just keeps the black community down and the problem there is THEY don't even see that! this is a guy who black mailed the burger king corporation into giving him money or else who would annouce that they are racist because they didn't have a certain "black employee percentage"?!?!? and he has done this to several other companies as well, he is one of the most racist people i hear about in todays news, he needs to start talking to the rappers if he wants to kill that word, they ARE the ones who keep it alive and thriving

2006-11-27 06:52:10 · answer #1 · answered by AFwife 2 · 3 2

I don't think anyone should use such a slur whether you are black or white...american or non-american. It is a hateful word and from what I have learnt about in america's history I cannot understand why even black americans would use it. But I cannot possibly understand why just because SOME blacks use it white people feel thay should too. What you are proposing is illogical....are you as a white person going to continue using the word until black americans stop using it. The word was created out of ignorance and racism and should have died with the end of slavery. But for some reason it persists in america today and from the tone of your question I guess you are mad that society does not expect you to use it too.
I don't think anyone should use it but it really is different when a white person uses it simply because of its roots. When a black person uses it you shake your head at his ignorance but how can a white person usethe word in such a way that will remove any of its sting? And the part I can't get is why would you want to use it anyway? Is there any possible scenario you can perceive in which it will come up casually other than in a history class? I cringe whenever I hear the word whether used by whites or blacks (and I not even american), in context or out of context because it brings to my mind the images I use to see in the history books or see in those slavery movies.
What you don't understand is that words mean different things to different people.....Outside of america it means nothing but to black americans it is a constant reminder of the past.
If you are jewish would you want to be constantly reminded of the horrors of the holocaust. For some maybe its not a word but an image or a sound which will bring back the horror. That is what the "n" word does for black people. Believe me when I say this...take it from a black person.....that word can never lose any of its sting.

2006-11-27 07:09:53 · answer #2 · answered by Caribbean_Girl 2 · 1 0

I know what you mean it's ok for them to say but if someone with a different color skin says it then you hear them scream raciest like they do with everything else in the Untied States. Like the old Georgia State flag all because of the rebel flag symbol on it they wanted it to be changed because it was a sign of slavery though it's not it symbolizes the South's war flag. But you can't convince a black to agree with that. I don't think they'll ever stop using those two famous words ****** and Raciest.

2016-05-23 12:23:33 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You again? I thought you were gone already. I see you still have nothing better to do than to obsess about black people. Can you take you own advise and "get over it already" "stop using that as a excuse for your own failure".

"Double standard"? Please, that just a pretty word someone made up to create deception. Like why Blacks use the N word but whites can't, why blacks do this or that, but if whites do it.......
See deception, white people spent centuries on creating a race in the image of every thing associated which hate, racism and supremacy. Isn't that what they wanted? When whites use the N word wasn't it because they was deliberately being racist. When they started segregation wasn't it because they were deliberately being racist. So likewise people will see it as such.

Like Malcolm X said: 400 year we are justified "with justification when we express doubt concerning the ability of the white man to solve our problem and also when we express doubt concerning his integrity, concerning his sincerity because you will have to confess that the problem has been around here for a long time and whites have been saying the same thing about it for the past 100 years and it's no nearer a solution today than it was a hundred years ago."


2006-11-27 16:31:08 · answer #4 · answered by justme 5 · 1 4

Professional complainer is a bit harsh. I agree that Mr. Sharpton has made some disgusting decisions in the past and should therefore watch closely where and when he points his finger. I believe that a begining to the end of the N word should start with our own people. I agree that hip hop music popularizes a word that should be shunned in our community and I also partially believe that we as black people should take some blame.

Here are a couple more things I believe. I believe a successful black man driving a luxury car may be pulled over because officer thinks he can't afford to own it.
I believe that law firm's will have far less black lawyers than they will have white lawyers (let’s not even get into the ratio of black partners to white partners).

These are only two of the countless barriers black people have to work everyday to break through. So if you believe that we as black people enjoy this double standard you speak of, you’re very wrong. We wish there were no double standards. All we want is what belongs to us, and that's the right to succeed without the everyday barrier. Now don't get me wrong, I am not using this as a justification for any lazy non achiever in my community. But you have to recognize that it has been harder for us to grasp the same opportunities as white people, and all Mr. Jackson is doing is helping in his own way to get us as close to equality as possible. And what better place to start than with a word that has been used to demean and humiliate us as a people.

Another thing, you sound really angry. Lighten up, before you end up letting out your frustration like your buddy Michael Richards. You know, Kramer :)

2006-11-27 07:55:46 · answer #5 · answered by PANTHER 2 · 1 5

I dont think we can ever get people to stop using this word. It has become a culture thing. nevertheless it still bothers a lot of people when it's used by someone of another race. Does it offend me, because I am black, yeah, but I really dont think people will stop using it whether its for the right or wrong reasons.

You can blame hip hop, and I like hip hop but its the truth!

2006-11-27 06:37:16 · answer #6 · answered by barracuda 1 · 1 1

Do you really expect an answer to that kind of question, mate. I know you don't! You just want to rant against Jesse Jackson and more importantly black people in general. You are not objective. I don't think that anyone can give you a proper answer until you learn to be objective and unprejudiced. Unfortunately, I suspect that you enjoy being prejudiced.

2006-11-27 08:20:50 · answer #7 · answered by Chimango 1 · 2 2

We don't need to like Jesse Jackson in order to stop using the word n i gg e r.

We had no Jesse Jackson in my country but we stopped using the word long ago. It is foolish for all people to disrespect others just for the color of their skin. It's primitive.

(oh..... I'm caucasian)

2006-11-27 06:24:22 · answer #8 · answered by Endie vB 5 · 2 1

JJ is a politician. He goes with the flow of the media. I have often seen assholes at work; I have often met assholes at play; And then there are politicians!
Get real!!!! Do you really think that JJ really cares? Do you really think that JB cares? Grow up! They are self serving politicians that care nothing about anything except being re-elected to a higher post.

Furthermore...those stupid famous people (movie stars, etc..) that align themselves with politicians (and/or thier parties) are just as ******* self centered as the pieces-of-**** (oops..I mean politicians) themselves!

The worst ones are those morons that actually attend rallies and political party galas etc!!! How ******* apelike can you get?!! Suck the balls of the dominant chimp!

2006-11-27 06:36:25 · answer #9 · answered by fiercedong 2 · 2 1

He's in the wrong 1/3 I guess.

2006-11-29 05:36:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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