I also wanted anchal to win and i was a little frustrated when they let her go. Also evverythime they said that she was the plus size model for this year ticks me off, because i thought she had the best bod out of all the girls. They should be promoting anchal as a real woman. that is what most women look like now adays. If anyone has to win i hope it will be caridee unfortunaltey like you said i think she is becoming really emotional and is going to have a massive break down..
2006-11-27 05:37:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I wasn't very surprised, even though Michelle has taken very strong pics, it's no secret that she doesn't "want it" as much as some of the others. I'd like to see CariDee or Amanda win, although Caridee seems to have faltered somewhat since they got to Spain. Eugena has improved greatly, but I don't see them picking someone who had such a weak start. And Melrose has been getting such a negative edit (with good reason) that there's no way that the producers are going to turn around at this point and make her look like a winner. Until recently I wouldn't have thought that I'd say this, but it just may be Amanda for the win!
2006-11-27 05:41:26
answer #2
answered by Erin L 3
I was a little surprised. She is much better than her sister. But after that speech she gave, how could they not let her go?
I thought Anchal would get farther than she did, but I never thought she would win. Eugenia is inconsistent. I thought they would have let her go before Jada. Caridee is falling apart, but I'm sure she will get it together. I really like Melrose even if all the other girls don't. She should win. It would be okay if Caridee won too.
2006-11-27 05:41:43
answer #3
answered by Niecy 6
I really really liked AJ, and I was PISSED when she got voted off. She was the only one I really cared for too much.
I am surprised you liked Anchal. Although she was voluptuous and beautiful, I found her whiny. I got tired of her complaining about her weight when she overate constantly.
I don't really think Eugenia is anything special. She's pretty, but she is so passionless in her photos.
I used to like Caridee's personality, but what she said to Nigel was inappropriate. Plus, she doesn't ever take criticism in stride. She ignores the coaching of others and does her own thing. She's getting stranger and stranger each week.
Amanda is pretty in photos, but I think she is someone that nobody would look twice at on the street.
As for Michelle, I was a bit surprised that she was voted off, but I agree with Tyra (for once) that passion and drive to model count more in the competition than sheer natural talent. I guess it was better that Michelle be eliminated. She had no idea what she wanted.
Melrose deserves to win. I agree she is a bit of a *itch, but she is the best they've got.
To check out more of my opinions, go to http://realitytv.about.com and check out my Top Model recaps. I do reviews of each episode for the site.
2006-11-27 05:39:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I want Caridee to win! Last week when the judges said that Caridee looked drag-ish, I thought that they were completely wrong! Melrose looked like she was in drag to me. Her nose is weird. I hope Caridee can pull it together and win. I didn't like Eugena at first, but now she's alright. Amanda won't make it as a professional model cuz she's not open enough. And altho Melrose is usually good, I don't want her to win. She is so cocky!
2006-11-27 06:26:06
answer #5
answered by spicychica_shel 2
I missed the last show, I didn't know they voted Michelle off. WOW. I like Caridee, she is very photogenic. Melrose is to old, she need to go play mommy. I really liked Anchal, but she let the other girls get to her, so that let everyone know that she was not strong enough to be a Top Model. The twins take good pics, but they are like so ugly, no body, no glamour. Eugenia I like her to, she need to prove that she want the prize. I will not miss this Wednesday nite.
2006-11-27 05:42:12
answer #6
answered by Ms. Jacksonville, FL 3
I wanted anchel to win too but she didnt have the self esteem. eugenia shouldve gone way before brooke.
I think Amanda will do alot better now that her sister is gone and she can shine on her own.
Melrose is just old looking and she a witch, cantwait til her meltdown this week.
I love caridee, if they can pick a southern hillbilly who has a bad accent from last year, they can pick caridee. Shes gorgeous and she goes the extra 2 miles! But I think mentally she needs to step it up ( No offense on the hillblly thing )
2006-11-27 05:41:49
answer #7
answered by BoTToms UP 5
I watch the show only when nothing else is on. I like it, but my husband can't stand it.
I think both the twins are ugly and I cannot see what the judges see in them either. They take nice pictures though.
Eugenia is beautiful in her pics, but she's got a terrible complexion without make up...horrible!!
Cairdee is totally masculine...she acts like a dude.
Melrose is by far my favorite. She has beautiful eyes, and she has a great smile, although a tad bit cocky anymore.
We shall see eh??
2006-11-27 07:34:02
answer #8
answered by the_proms 4
first, my pick was booted off so long ago i can't remember her name. now? its between amanda and eugena. michelle should still be there. i think they know they made a mistake. i think her problem was her sexuality, not necessarily, if she wanted to be a model or not. they both photo well. but, honestly, without makeup, dang! they are not going to pick melrose and i hope they don't pick caridee. i don't know if amanda can get her runway walk up to snuff in time. if eugena would show just a lil personality, that would bag the title for her.
2006-11-27 05:46:43
answer #9
answered by REALLY 5
Sometimes I donno what's wrong with Tyra. Letting all the great contestants go is another major proof that she has bad choices.
2006-11-27 05:41:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous