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She such a b*tch, she so two faced as well shes nice to people to there face then such a ***** behind there back, talking about them an all sorts! Anyone else agree?

When's the final too ?

Any idea on who you want to win ?

2006-11-27 04:40:50 · 1 answers · asked by § gαввαηα § 5 in Entertainment & Music Television

1 answers

I loath her, the way she looks, the way she eats, her voice, the stupid fake accents she uses, the way she thinks she's Queen Bee, the way she tries to do all the trials and all the chests and rolls her eyes whenever one of the other girls achieves something. The way she said Lauren faked being ill because she was jealous in case Phina scored 100%. I didn't like Lauren,, but fair play to her when she saw that clip last night and was very gracious.. She's bullied Jan, talked about David and how awful he looks, has she not seen herself lately? Hardly a beauty queen.
I cannot tolerate that woman, and I don't know how on earth she's still there because no-one will admit to liking her.
I want Jason, Myleene or David to win, there's no one else that deserves to.
Matt's dull and boring, Malandra laughs in a spooky manner, Jan winds me up and Dean scares me sometimes.

2006-11-27 05:49:37 · answer #1 · answered by Eden* 7 · 0 0

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