You do kill crime by killing the criminal...
Problem solved.
You're welcome!
Knowing that there is a death penalty and yet there are people that STILL do the things they do... DO you really believe that there is a place for someone THAT degenerative, THAT hopeless? THAT willing to take another innocent life for their own gain in society?
I really, honestly hope that you are NEVER mugged, beaten or raped... But some people never understand until something like that happens to someone THEY love... Then comes the anger that shows the sense in it...
2006-11-27 03:10:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
improve living standars of the poorest, (as they are the most likely to commit crime) this drasticaly reduces crime levels, as contrary to popular belief, criminals are not born criminals, they are made so by socio-economic factors.
Have certain Bans, like on guns and knifes. Also, bans on Radical organisations and idividuals who incite hatred which migh lead to crime.
Have more police.
Very interesting reasearch indicates, criminals have very damaged brains. Brains are very easily damaged by knocks on the head etc. Bad brains lead to bad decision making and criminal bahavior. Bannig amarican footbal , box etc would drasticaly reduce brain damage. also, diet supplements of emega 3 oils would increase effectiveness of brains.
Perhaps the surest way to cut crime is to have a totalitarian society, like say as used to be in ~USSR, crime levels were extremely law. I.E. Fear cuts crime.
this list is by no means exhaustive, i am sure there are many inventve ways to cut crime, but it some would say these ways infringe on their freedoms, cost too much money or some other escuse why they should not be implemented. whilsts on the other hand, blaming criminals and severely punishing does not require much money or anythng else for that matter (including sound mind) ..
..which bring me to my last point, the surest way to cut crime is to change the view society has of crimes and criminals in general, only when the society realises it is responsible for the people its producing, will there be any meanigful shift in attitude.
2006-11-27 03:25:13
answer #2
answered by Yura 2
i agree there will always be a degree of those who want to operate outside the rules of the society in which they exist.
however, education and attention and enrichment at a very early age (instead of violence, malnutrition and poverty) is a strong
indicator of non-crime behavior. attentive parents, loving situation, good opportunities will help a lot. the answer to your question lies in things like head start and hooking young kids up with responsible mentors and showing them the better things in life so they decide not to go to prison. think younger than the criminal. think protecting kids from abuse and neglect. think about 4 and 5 year olds. start there to kill crime where it starts.
2006-11-27 03:11:36
answer #3
answered by BonesofaTeacher 7
Crime is part of the human condition. Criminal action will never be stopped. The best we can do is preach against it and harshly punish the violators.
There is no Utopia, there are no perfect humans.
2006-11-27 03:08:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Criminal Records Search Database :
2015-09-24 17:23:30
answer #5
answered by Matt 1