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**Yahoo! Canada Staff Note: This is Dave Rosin, drummer from Hedley!

2006-11-27 01:59:22 · 91 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Music

91 answers

Unfortunately, today's music scene seems to be ONLY about sex and drugs. The music itself is just incidental.

The only way to bring back the previous interest in the music alone is to get rid of videos entirely. Don't have music available on TV or CDs at all. Leave it to radio alone and it will quickly become just about the sound again.

2006-11-28 10:27:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

Before I answer, I just want to say that when we go to answer the question it says:
"How big of an influence, do you think, is Sex and Drugs in today’s Rock and Roll?
**Yahoo! Canada Staff Note: This is Dave Rosin, DRUMMER from Hedley!"
Umm, last I knew you played guitar :)

I think that Sex and Drugs has a bit of an influence in today's Rock and Roll, but not nearly as much as it used to. I think that the whole rock and roll image, today, is very different from what it used to be.In the past, I think that the people in a rock band liked the sex and drugs part of it, and that the rock and roll was just a bonus. Today, I think that people are more concentrated on the rock and roll part, and the sex and drugs part is just some added fun.

2006-11-29 05:18:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I watch Rock videos while straight, I tend to think drugs have a huge influence on the industry. After a few greenies though, I can totally relate. As for the Sex part of the question, I wouldn't have given Hedley a chance, had I not fallen in LOVE with Mr. Purrrfect (Jacob) during Canadian Idol. I also notice that in rock, the better looking you are, the bigger your fan base. There are some very talented, but unattractive artists, who just don't seem to climb the ladder of success nearly as quickly as the hotties do. Today's Rock screams Sex and Drugs, as it always has, and always will. Not that there's anthing wrong with that!! ..

2006-12-02 09:20:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey man, I'm 50 years old. I grew up with The grateful dead, the rolling stones, bands like Steppenwolf, Even Black Sabbath, the first time around. Music only had to do with the drugs after the drugs were ingested. Back then, a lot of the gang I hung out with experimented with lots of stuff. Only after we were into it did we decide to throw on some 'vinyl' i.e. Clapton (Cocaine) or Steppenwolf (The Pusher). What I saw was that only the people who weren't secure enough in themselves, maybe 'cause things weren't so good at home, they kept that groove going, but the rest of us moved past it. Blaming your problems on the music, was then, and is still today, just a cop out. As far as the sex, same deal. Guys are always gonna want it. But back in the day, if the girl didn't have a handle on her like 'mayonaisse jar', or manufactured by Hoover, chances were you'ld better be coming across with a ring, a promise, and a prayer before you got to cop a feel. And no song on the radio was gonna spike anymore than a tear in both your eyes. Again, nothing to do with the beat. It's all in the morals. It's all on how we're brought up.It's all in who we are. Rock On!

2006-11-29 18:40:43 · answer #4 · answered by boo boo 1 · 1 0

In today's Rock 'n' Roll...hmmm...drugs don't have much of an influence, in my opinion. Then again I'm not exactly touring around, or in a band for that matter.

If you look at the past 100 hundred years of music it would seem that there are more musicians out there these days; however, I think there are less of a percentage of them doing drugs. It's not as forgivable and forgettable these days for one thing. I mean when Jim, or Jimmy, or Janice, or Kurt got on stage high, or even the great Billie Holiday, nobody batted an eyelash, that was just how things were. Now, there is a lot of negative stigmatism surrounding substance and alcohol abuse.

As for the sex...well we're humans, that seems to be just about the only thing we can get right, and I'm okay with that.

Hope this make sense.

2006-11-28 02:17:55 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa H 2 · 1 1

I think the whole sex, drugs, r&r lifestyle is exactly that. A lifestyle that each person chooses for themselves. I suppose that when you are famous the opportunities are much more numerous and the accesability is as well. If people are so inclined to inbibe they are going to weather it's fashionable or not. These days it seems rehab is the popular trend, alot of the older rockers seem to finally understand that a completly reckless existance can be tiring and dangerous.
I'd say the sex thing is along the same line, if you want it there it is , but often concequences are attached, and it's more headache than it's worth. But the bottom line is everyone wants to be linked to the best , hottest, sexiest.
As i said, to people who are grounded it's not an influence at all, to those trying to live the big dream it most likely is a necessary evil.

2006-11-27 10:04:04 · answer #6 · answered by Skanky McSkankypants 6 · 2 0

I can't honestly say that it makes any difference to me when I listen to good music whether the singer was stoned or the guitarist was drunk or there were naked people rolling around on the stage. If it's good music, none of that matters. But after you watch so many talented, amazing artists ruin their lives because they bought into the idea that the lifestyle had to go with the music, it just seems like a waste. It's easy to see how a crowd of women and girls (or men and boys, if that's your thing) who are willing to do anything to get close to 'the band' would be irresistible. And if money follows success, then drugs are just as easy to find. But even ignoring AIDS and overdoses, just listening to Ozzie Osbourne trying to finish a sentence makes me think it's kind of not worth it.

Hedley has a great sound, has great music, and we want you guys to be around for a long time. Sex and drugs are a choice, not a requirement.

2006-11-29 13:55:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Rock has always been about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

The difference nowadays is that MUSIC (I'm not even going to call it Rock) GLORIFIES sex and drugs, especially sex. Look at Nelly Furtado for example. I used to like her style. I think she sold herself and her talents out to be like everyone else and cash in on the sex bandwagon of what female singers are about these days. I think it's a crying shame that music has come to all this smut. Thank God for great bands like Green Day, U2, and a million other innovative artists who use their talents and let their feelings cry out to the world, feelings which everyone can relate to and which move you to heights which only music can do. That is true art in my book.

You can go for money if you want, why not after all? But frankly if it were me I'd rather go down with less fans and a true following, than settle for being a nobody amongst a whole lot of nobodies.

Let's face it, a lot of today's music is really talentless, is repetitive, lacks novelty and creativity, and it's only selling feature is the sex.

This is why everyone, even today's kids go back to much of the music from yesteryear. There are many fantastic artists today too don't get me wrong, it's just that they don't get nearly the mainstream of attention and focus as music and videos with sex do. I don't know why that is. I guess people are used to being brainwashed by media.

In a world where raves, X, and techno seem to be the "in" thing for today's youth...it only follows that the frenzy demand more sex and drugs in their music...I don't know that I would lump it into rock n roll anymore either...it's in a class all it's own now.

Rock will always be Rock...and frankly it's almost a term of the past...everything has it's own sub-cultured title now that I'm not even sure what's what anymore.

The sad fact is is that drugs and sex are the future of rock and roll plus the world of entertainment!

2006-11-29 00:59:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It was alot more back in the early days of rock n' roll when people (not just artists) thought drugs were cool before they knew about the dangers of drugs . New artists tend to like the older artists and put some of that drug influence in their music. People always think about the sex and drugs of alot of rock artists and some believe that your not a "real rocker" if you don't do drugs. Not true, even in the mainstream stuff. Yes you have Elvis, later Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Aerosmith, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, The Who, Marvin Gaye, Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots who were great artists but all pretty heavy stoners. Great artists with bad lifestyles. People forget about guys like Stevie Wonder, The Smiths, early Beatles, U2, Coldplay, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Boomtown Rats, Bryan Adams and other guys like that who have great music and great lifestyles who's lives involved little or no drugs. As for sex, I think it's more in hip hop and rap then rock. You can't watch a rap video without girls in bra's and panties dipping honey out of a jug and going up on top of a rapper in bed. That more lust then sex but you know what I mean. The stuff you often find in "rocker" lifestyles is being in a cheap motel with a prostitute. It's not that huge an influence. Living that so called "rocker" lifestyle is a waste of money, health, friends and purity (if your using prostitutes). Rock should be JUST about the great music that it is. Not the drugs and the sex.

2006-11-29 11:11:06 · answer #9 · answered by centreofclassicrock 4 · 2 1

People must be having bad sex and doing drugs, or else they'd come out with better music.

In other words, I think bad sex and drugs have a big influence. It's a little too bad.

At least some musicians are making music while having bad sex and doing drugs, as opposed to some people who just stick with that lifestyle and have no positive force in their life.

I'd say sober up. Find out what's important. Don't go looking for things outside for inspiration. Outside is nothing. Go inside. Meditate. Be at one with the universe. Maybe some good songs will come out of it. Maybe it doesn't even matter.

2006-11-29 14:06:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think that over the years, sex has become more of an influence in all areas of the world. Not just rock and roll. I think it's all relative. I don't believe that sex has more of an influence on rock and roll than it does for instance on advertising.

2006-11-30 01:56:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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