While requirements vary from university to university, generally, a PhD thesis in the social sciences should be well over 200 pages, which is equivalent to at least 50,000 words, exclusive of notes and other scholarly apparatus.
Currently, many universities still require submission of one or two copies of the successfully defended dissertation in bound form. Others require one bound copy, and one electronic copy. Others require only one electronic copy. Many also require submission of the dissertation (after successful defense) to UMI (University Microforms), an independent service that places all US doctoral dissertations on microform.
I know of no PhD program that requires dissertations to be posted on the web.
The most important thing is to follow precisely the procedure required by YOUR department and YOUR university.
2006-11-27 13:46:21
answer #1
answered by X 7
The exact requirements for a PhD thesis will depend on the university.
Theses are generally submitted in triplicate in bound book form.
2006-11-27 09:27:48
answer #2
answered by Vanguard 3