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how do i get to the final battle on the 11th floor with team rockets leader..i think u have to take one of those transport diamond things

2006-11-26 17:33:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Other - Games & Recreation

3 answers

yes you would have to go through the trasport diamond things. just take your time at going through the tranportation devices. you would also need to obtain a key card. you can get this after defeating one of the team rocket in the higher levels (he's located at level 10-11, soz, cant be more specific since i haven't palyed the game for a while).

2006-11-26 18:43:02 · answer #1 · answered by arumisan 2 · 0 0

Blue and Red are the same except for the available Pokemon in the world. However, Yellow makes you to start with Pikachu and Pikachu actually follows you around outside of it's Pokeball. And Yellow is slightly better in graphics. I'd choose Red as my favorite, only because I never played the others much.

2016-05-23 08:03:23 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

to get to the boss defeat a rocket glant locate in 10(i think) and defeat him after you defeat him try talk to him and he will drop his card key............when you get to the floor where the boss is jessie and james will try to stop you and they will battle you,after you defeat them you will fight giovanni and when you win talk to the boss of *****to get the master ball.

2006-11-27 16:54:58 · answer #3 · answered by hpz ftw 4 · 0 0

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