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The crime in South Africa is a serious headache for many of us. Do you think that we are blinded by the beauty of our country and choose not to see the ugly? Have we accepted crime as the norm because we don't know any better? Many South Africans abroad (not all) look at the crime differently, because they have experienced less crime. Do you agree?

2006-11-26 16:36:40 · 11 answers · asked by Porgie 7 in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

11 answers

The same website Gunner listed disproves her point. Many other countries may be more criminal for internet crimes, white collar crimes and petty theft, but SA tops the per capita lists for murder, rape and assault BY FAR.
Be that as it may, yes, we are probably blinded by the rainbow, as well as the eluding pot of gold at the end of it, which we can see but never seem to be able to touch. The new generation South Africans, I believe, are starting to see the government for the weak and incompetent frauds that they are and will, hopefully start demanding better governmental results.
The great people of SA (except the criminals) are still the strongest economic force in Africa, despite the incapable "new dinosaurs" in parliament. Just think what we can achieve with a government that REALLY tackle crime and not just talk about it.
Yes Porgie, I am blinded by the beautiful rainbow (It seems to glow even more seductively from faraway Taiwan, where I'm now)). Yes, I will go back. And maybe, just maybe, we'll achieve what no other African country has achieved, and reach the pot of gold.
Broken, hostile and scarred as it is...it's still my home.

2006-11-27 02:44:31 · answer #1 · answered by Vango 5 · 0 0

Crime is a serious head ache for us, you’re right. It has always been. Unfortunately some people are only taking note of it now with the 2010 WC around the corner. South Africa needs to look at a solution past 2010. I don’t think we’ve been blinded by the beauty; we have been de-sensitized to crime because that’s all we seem to hear about. The newspapers are full of it as are websites and online publications. Many Saffers abroad do look at crime differently because they are not in South Africa. I’ve been overseas many times in the last few years and that’s the impression you get. Granted they were business and research trips and so did not necessitate me staying for extended periods, so I didn’t get a full idea of crime in other areas.

Someone asserted that “those who do not see the ugly are still very young.” Hardly. I’m fairly old and know many others who are not pessimistic about South Africa. We realize that there are many problems and hurdles South Africa needs to overcome in order to become a great nation and we are willing to help find the solution. South Africa is still a beautiful country.

You can only complain about something for so long before you realize the only way to change something is to do something. If you’re not doing something then you won’t see results. And doing something doesn’t mean logging on to Yahoo Answers to complain either – I mean a real workable solution in the real world. Democracy is dirty and dangerous work and it requires strong people with wills of iron and a belief in South Africa that cannot be shaken.

If people are not doing the work then they shouldn’t complain. That’s what democracy is really, government for the people by the people.

2006-11-27 02:43:48 · answer #2 · answered by Ni Ten Ichi Ryu 4 · 0 2

I personally love this country and crime is no turn off for me! I am a cop, so I see crime pretty much every day and I do my best to catch those criminals out there who make other people's lives a misery! The thing about foreigners looking at crime in this country is exactly like that-they have never experienced crime like this and they hear so many stories, so they get very scared of SA. But all in all, it's not as if you are witnessing a rape, murder, robbery, hijack or anything else around every corner you take! Crime can be avoided and not very person will fall victim to it! i think we live in a beautiful country and I plan to live here for many years to come!

2006-11-26 21:20:34 · answer #3 · answered by Motti _Shish 6 · 0 0

No I don't agree. It's been awhile since I've seen any beauty. I only see the ugly for the past 10 years now. Those who choose not to see the ugly, are still very young and they are still at that age where they are 'Proudly South Africans'. Shame, they are still blindfolded. Are you blind Porgie? When you read some of our questions and answers don't you see the bitterness and hatred in it? I'm complaining everyday and you ain't see nothing yet. I heard some worse than ugly stuff that's going to happen here in South Africa. The day Mandela dies all hell is going to break loose. There's no more beauty in this country and you want to come back some time?! Think twice Porgie, think twice.

2006-11-26 18:31:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

SA is, indeed, a beautiful, awesome country. However, the euphoria over achieving a populist government is long gone. Yes, I believe that crime, violence, mismanagement and corruption are things that many people hold their breathes about and try, like an ostrich, to ignore, or, at least, downplay.
My fear is that with another generation of populist leaders, SA continues a slide back to the norm of other countries on the continent. This is a fear; not a prediction. I hope that I am wrong.

2006-11-26 17:12:16 · answer #5 · answered by ElOsoBravo 6 · 1 0

Economic develepment and Freedom of Speech is one the great desire for people living in the modern and civilized world - is what we have in South Africa. Lets look at alternative route, where can we go and benefit out of two in the rest of Africa- lets fight crime together, then SA will be one of the best country in the world...!

2006-11-26 20:36:31 · answer #6 · answered by justiceonthemove 3 · 0 0

In SA I lived in a small peaceful coastal village, here in UK I live in busy, crime ridden London, so to me it feels like there is more crime in UK than SA, although I know the right thing would be to compare London to Jozi's and my hometown to some English villages instead.
It's true though, crime is one of the biggest issues in SA, and although I must admit some people do look past it, I think the majority of us simply try and see the bright side of life, and instead of thinking: "SA is more dangerous then other countries" we think; "Well, at least there are still countries that are worse than SA".
It's a glass half full/half empty approach.

2006-11-27 03:56:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anria A 5 · 0 0

Good question. We have to look who complain about crime... According to a recent study, the people who feel the safest in their homes, are the people in the townships, yet they experience by far the highest violent crime rate. My dad told me that people who vote for the ANC don't complain much because its seen as disloyalty towards the ruling party. (What do you think?) White people in contrast weren't affected by a high crime rate before 1994, do complain the most - and it's understandably. However, white people accounts for only 9% of the population - white people complaining will thus don't have a affect on the ruling party. I think there is too much apathy towards this issue. Protests attract only a handful of people.

About the rainbow that blinds us... I think we are all aware of the problems in SA, but being negative all the time, will not improve the situation. SA is not one of the happiest nations in the world (+-120th), but the 8th most optimistic and the 4th proudest. That says for me that although we're not happy with everything, we stay hopeful!

Some people are maybe blinded my the rainbow... but other countries are blinded by money - for example the USA (my humble opinion!). Every country has problems. South Africa has more crime, but the fact we have more, doesn't say the USA for example is CRIME-FREE. According to Nationmaster, 24 million incidents of crime were reported in the USA in 2001. Yes, I know SA has more violence etc. etc. but USA is not crime-free. Other countries are also more morally bankrupt than SA. I have a feeling that many Afrikaans-speaking people are much more conservative than the morally bankrupt Europe. Now one has to choose... a crime-ridden country (with beautiful optimistic people - moral values are also declining here... not yet at the level of Europe), country driven my money, money, money (with more first world features than SA), or a morally bankrupt country (e.g. England with an excellent rugby and cricket team :P). I know this is a bad comparison, but this is how we must compare and decide... Is SA really so terrible?

2006-11-26 17:21:14 · answer #8 · answered by Malan 3 · 1 4

Many South Africans abroad - all the sensible ones - KNOW that what you are living in is far, far from normal.
What's even scarier are the people in South Africa that will explain away and justify every fresh atrocity.


Gunner, still illiterate, I see. I may be a 'prophet', but I'm not a 'profit.'
I LIVE in one of the biggest cities in the world - New York - and I can guarantee you you don't know what you're talking about. But please, if living in this fantasy world makes your life easier, who am I to say you're wrong.

2006-11-26 17:07:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Jup, south africans only see the beauty!
Crime is like the national sport now, if you don't participate you pay with your life!!!

Since when is a taxi an emergency vehicle???
They sommer drive in the yellow lanes on ALL roads!!!

This country is a mess and the clever guys are all overseas!!

Wait, wtf am i still doing in jozzi??

Cheers, gotta plane to catch!!

2006-11-26 21:33:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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