5 gal, planted, each. 5 bettas (3 males, 2 females)
10 gal planted -
6 platies
3 guppies (grown)
10 gal planted -
14 guppies (fry)
20 gal planted -
2 danios
2 bloodfin tetras
2 glowlight tetras
4 white clouds
pond, planted -
2 goldfish (reg. feeder)
1 butterfly koi
getting for new 180 gal.:
4FW - Black Angel
4FW - German Blue Ram
5FW - Zebra Danio
10FW - Cardinal Tetra - Jumbo
10FW - Neon Tetra Jumbo
12FW - True Rummynose Tetra
10FW - Black Neon Tetra
10FW - Silver Tip Tetra
6FW - Panda Cory Cat
1FW – Bristlenose Pleco
10FW – Otocinclus Catfish
7FW - Pencilfish
I have what some people might call Multiple Tank Syndrome. Unfortunately, my parents refuse to buy more tanks, so i work for them now (so many kids... *twitch* *twitch*), but I'm really happy for the flea markets and garage sales (really cheap tanks)
2006-11-26 14:01:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
i have a 50 gallon aquarium. i have tiger barb fish, they are easy to take care of, but be sure to get them all the same size, or the bigger ones will end up picking on the little ones. I would definitely recommend a plecostemus a.k.a. scum-sucker for every tank, since they help to keep it clean. if this is your first time owning fish, i would stay away from guppies or swordfish, because they tend to get ick (a really bad fish fungus) easily. if you go somewhere like petco or petsmart, they have tags on the fish tanks to show which fish get along with each other, and which ones don't. i would go to a pet store instead of a supermarket pet department because the quality is better, which means fish that are healthy and will live for a while!
2006-11-26 13:51:28
answer #2
answered by lil miss blue eyes 2
1- 8 inch plecostamus that someone was gonna set free
2- pumpkinseed sunfish
1-unknown sunfish that came in with the shubunkin shipment
2- crayfish
many snails
1-8 inch asian upside down catfish that some lady was gonna flush
1- 3 inch clownloach that some guy donated to the petstore i work at
1-9 inch polypterus senegalus
1- bushy nose pleco
1-full grown blue gourami that some lady was gonna flush
1- pink painted tetra that some guy donated to the store
1-small sailfin molly some lady gave to the store
2- albino aneus that some guy gave to the store
1- regular green aneus that was alone in the tank so i bought him
1- panda cory catfish that was also alone so i bought him
1-5 inch albino polypterus senegalus
1-marine hermit crab...long story that if you wanna know message me.
As you can see there is a trend of how i got most of my fish. People need to learn what the term commitment means and need to apply it to what they buy.
skigrrrrl, the fish keeping community does not need nor want someone like you, it is clear you dont give a crap about the fish that are in your care since you feel you have the right to stick them in horribly small tanks and expect them to live in that.
shortee, you need to find out what kind of fish you have and make sure you are properly caring for them. You also need to find out why other fish die in your care and fix it. Part of being a responsible fish keeper is knowing how to properly care for the fish you keep.
little miss blue eyes, Plecos are not scum suckers, they eat algae and other plant material aswell as some eat animal proteins too, depends on their species. Plecos are special needs fish, they crap alot infact they crap more then they clean up. They need to start bein called crapper fish instead of cleaner fish. Not every tank needs one, infact plecos need supplementation with algae wafers, veggies like cucumber and zuccini, shrimp pellets, and driftwood for fiber, they are a heavy fish load for any tank and the commons can get 2 feet long. If someone is responsible and does regular partial waterchanges, they will not have alot of algae. People with alot of algae are either not cleaning their tank enough or often enough or leave thier light on for too long or have the tank in view of natural sunlight. Also guppies and swordtails are no more prone to ich then any other fish. It all depends on the store you get the fish from if they take care of the fish or if they knowingly sell sick fish or if people dont research and dont do stuff right. Ich by the way is a parasite, not fungus.
2006-11-26 14:19:58
answer #3
answered by lady_crotalus 4
75 gallon:
Misc plants
1 angel
4 yoyo loaches (lochata)
1 Lelupi Cichlid
1 Female Betta
1 Dwarf gourami
1 Siamese Algae Eater
2 False SAE
1 common pleco
3 dwarf rainbowfish
2 black skirt tetras
29 galllon:
java moss, java fern, some purple plant
2 Dario Botia
2 spixi snails
3 nerite snails
1 clown pleco
3 black mollies
1 white molly
5 neon tetras
3 black neon tetras
1 rummynose tetra
1 sunrise tetra
12 gallon (about to become a 16 gal)
java moss
many many guppies
3 cory cats
2 spixi snails
2 nerite snails
2006-11-27 05:01:14
answer #4
answered by jeffedl 2
Angel Fish they are Awsome
2006-11-26 13:42:26
answer #5
answered by sugarbdp1 6
If you are Jewish, you will have gefillte fish. Otherwise it depends which way you want to cook it. Be it in soup, grilled, smoked, fried - any type of preparation requires its special kind.
Very important is getting it fresh - not frozen - in a special fish shop with lots of customers. That is the best guaranty for fresh fish.
Hundreds of books will offer you thousands of recipes. Just start with a simple one and work your way up.
2006-11-26 13:58:23
answer #6
answered by klausote 1
I have some kind of tetras not sure what they are exactly called and some silver fish...dont know what they r called either.They r the only fish that will stayu alive in my tank so thats all i have im getting more tomorrow though!!yay
2006-11-26 13:51:25
answer #7
answered by ((^}Jesshorty^{)) 2
My popular cookie is that fancy variety you get at a bakery - it quite is have been given approximately 6 or so layers and is commonly crimson and green with a skinny chocolate layer topping -- i think of it quite is called a petite fours??
2016-12-13 14:50:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
1 ballon molly
1 other kind of molly
1 swordtail
and sometime soon i hope to get a angel fish and maybe a dwarf puffer
2006-11-26 13:59:55
answer #9
answered by imcool_likeyou 2
I have one shubunkin, which is a type of goldfish. She's bigger than a commet, but smaller than a koi, and she spends the summer in our small pond. I bring her in for the winter, and she enjoys freeze dried shrimp.
2006-11-26 13:42:16
answer #10
answered by VA Mamma 3