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____ is 50% of 3/8
___ is 85% of 480
___ is 37 1/2% of 64
__is 6% of 112
__ is 80% of 540
_ is 8% of 180
_ is 32% of 15
_ is 62% of48
_ is 150% of 38
_ is 6.7% of 65
_ is 7.8% of 40
_ is 25% of 23.6
_ is 175% of 40
_ is 9.6% of 480
_ is 12.5 of 49/8
_ is 130% of 96

2006-11-26 12:38:17 · 7 answers · asked by kisser_up 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

7 answers

3/16 is 50% of 3/8
408 is 85% of 480
24 is 37 1/2% of 64
6.72 6% of 112
432 is 80% of 540
14.4 is 8% of 180
4.8 is 32% of 15
29.76 is 62% of48
57 is 150% of 38
4.355 is 6.7% of 65
3.12is 7.8% of 40
5.9is 25% of 23.6
70 is 175% of 40
46.08 is 9.6% of 480
49/100 is 12.5% of 49/8
124.8 is 130% of 96

2006-11-26 12:40:31 · answer #1 · answered by cdndave 2 · 0 2

In math, the word "is" means "equals". The word "of" means "times". So your first problem, ___ is 50% of 3/8 means ___ = 50% X 3/8.

Remember that 50% is the same as 0.5. Take 0.5 times the fraction 3/8. Multiply 0.5 times 3 (the numerator of the fraction) which equals 1.5. Then divide 1.5 by 8 (the denominator of the fraction). The final answer is 0.1875.

On all the rest of your problems, simply substitute "is" for "equals" and "of" for "times". By the way, 175% in decimal form is 1.75 and 6.7% is 0.067.

2006-11-26 20:49:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm going to sound like a Mom- but if you don't learn the stuf as they teach it-you can't build on to the next lesson.
This is simple stuff. If you can't do this- you won't be able to graduate HS.

2006-11-26 20:40:39 · answer #3 · answered by Mommyk232 5 · 0 0

omg, math isnt that hard!!
u just have to multiply (thats the little "x") the percent in DECIMAL FORM to the number.

3/8 x 0.5 = .1875

now you try

2006-11-26 20:48:00 · answer #4 · answered by . 2 · 0 0

You afraid of growing up? Learn to do these yourself and you'll be able to get by as an adult. Mommy won't hold your hand forever, and if she won't, who will? Where's your self-respect?

2006-11-26 20:43:55 · answer #5 · answered by Philo 7 · 1 0


take the percentage divide by 100 and times by the number...simple arithmatic

2006-11-26 20:42:40 · answer #6 · answered by aznwangstaaa 2 · 0 1

85% means multiply by 0.85, and so on.
(6.7% is 0.067)

now please do not say you're too dumb or lazy to use a calculator

2006-11-26 20:42:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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