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My aunt gets her monthly retirement checks every month . This month she misplaced one, she wants a replacement but can't remember which one it is. She's not sure if it is her pension, or social security checks.

We have the original envelope it came in, but not the check itself. The envelope appears to have a whitish/beige color, but I am not sure if that is significant.

Is there a way to tell if the checks were cashed? Since she doesn't have direct deposit, we're not sure who to contact for a replacement.

Any help is appreciated.

2006-11-26 11:38:37 · 5 answers · asked by Laura M 1 in Business & Finance Personal Finance

5 answers

contact social security they will issue her another one they can tell which one was cashed. then if you find it you return it

2006-11-26 11:41:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am going to answer on the assumption that she only has those two deposits every month (pension and SS). She can do one (or both) of two things:
(1) Contact her financial institution and ask for the amount of the last deposit, that way you can deduce which check is missing. If the amounts are close in monetary value, you can request check copies of her last deposit. That will show you which check was deposited and which one is missing. This might incur a $2-3 charge, but if your aunt is a good client (long standing, no "balance" issues, etc), they might waive the charge. Then she would need to contact the company/agency with the missing check (pension or SS) and request a replacement check.
(2) Contact the appropriate agencies and request information on the XXX month payment, to check to see if the item has cleared their bank/lending house/etc. Depending on when she made the actual deposit, the non-lost check might not have cleared the bank as of yet (it can often take 2 weeks with the larger clearing departments).
Once you have determined which check went missing, you will be able to handle it from there.
I do recommend that she set up a direct deposit instead of receiving paper checks. Not only have I had clients be robbed of their paper checks, there is also the case and point of the situation your described to make this option the better option. If it is a matter of money being dispersed to several accounts (and possibly several financial institutions) you can always set up a TMS (TransMatic System) to automatically transfer money to the desired accounts.
I hope this helps!

2006-11-26 20:05:02 · answer #2 · answered by just another chick 2 · 0 0

Call both Social Security and her Retirement plan administrator, they will advice you the check replacement procedure, they can also have their financial institution verify if the check as been cashed. They could also charge you $25 or more for a replacement check.

2006-11-26 19:42:29 · answer #3 · answered by Supermom 3 · 0 0

She could call the bank and ask the amounts of her recent deposits. May have to go in to the bank if she doesn't have online banking. Or she could call both the pension and social security offices to ask if her checks have cleared. If one has cleared and the other hasn't, she'll know who to ask for a replacement. Good luck!

2006-11-26 19:42:46 · answer #4 · answered by waywrdsun 2 · 0 0

contact both institutions, ask them what color their envelopes are? should be able to put stop payment on check and have it reissued.

2006-11-26 21:43:14 · answer #5 · answered by nwnativeprincess 6 · 0 0

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