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2006-11-26 11:19:30 · 15 answers · asked by behavetoni 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

15 answers

The sqrt(2)*i.

2006-11-26 11:22:50 · answer #1 · answered by Edgar Greenberg 5 · 2 0

For negative real numbers, the concept of imaginary and complex numbers has been developed to provide a mathematical framework to deal with the results

The Square root of 2 (~1.414....) times the square root of -1 (or the number -i), which makes this a (very) complex number.

1.4414...x i

(Square roots of integers that are not perfect squares are always irrational numbers, i.e., numbers not expressible as a ratio of two integers. For example, square root of 2 cannot be written exactly as m/n, where n and m are integers. )

2006-11-26 11:40:44 · answer #2 · answered by Rockies VM 6 · 2 0

First, take the square root of "2" Since the "2' is negative, put an " i " after the "2" This " i " symbolizes and imaginary number.

2006-11-26 11:34:35 · answer #3 · answered by Brian 1 · 2 0

It's not irrational, it's "imaginary". Imaginary numbers involve the square root of -1. So, the answer is i√2.

2006-11-26 11:26:42 · answer #4 · answered by Dave 6 · 2 0

i times the square root of 2

(i stands for imaginary number, becuase you can't take the square root of any negative)

2006-11-26 11:27:25 · answer #5 · answered by L-cee 2 · 2 0

The square root exists but it is not a real number.

The answer is an imaginary number, which is approximately 1.414i. i is the square root of negative -1.

2006-11-26 11:47:46 · answer #6 · answered by Aldo 5 · 1 0

While of course there is no real number that you can multiply by itself to get -2, there is an "imaginary" number that will do the job. "Imaginary" numbers were made up by scientists and mathemeticians because they have useful applications in the real world.

The elementary imaginary number is the square root of negative 1, designated i. So the answer to your question is i * sqrt(2).

2006-11-26 11:32:04 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

the square root of a negative number is irrational...these answers sometimes have to be switched to using i...depending on what math you are...(square root of -1 is i) so in this case in terms of i it would be

i [(sqrt) of ]2

2006-11-26 11:26:55 · answer #8 · answered by reen 2 · 2 0

No solution, you can never square root a negative number.

2006-11-26 11:24:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, there is no square root of any negitive number. So if this is a homework or not you sould just put "no square root". Hope this helps.

2006-11-26 11:36:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The 2 square of root of corse.

2006-11-26 11:30:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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