2006-11-26 09:35:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Good question. I have been a firefighter for 15 years
The only class you need to take is the Fire Standards Course
But if I was you I would go ahead and get your EMT paramedic
course as well you will have a better chance of getting hired
and you'll get more money.
Good Luck
( I fight what most people fear)
2006-11-26 09:39:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like JD is a Florida Firefighter.. Not many places call it Fire Standards anymore...(grin)
Actually your best suggestion, instead of asking on here. Call some of your local fire departments, and ask what their minimum requirements are for hiring of firefighters.
Some will require alot, others will take less and train you themselves. You can also ask what some of the local firefighting classes are, who gives them and how to get in on them. My answers here in Oregon wont help you down in (whatever state you are in)
2006-11-28 17:31:28
answer #3
answered by TheHangedFrog 4
Find them hot, Leave em wet!
J.D gave you sound advice. There is more than fire fighting involved here and the more training and certification you have the better your chances. The scope of the job has changed and ever increasing demands are made of the local departments. Once you acquire the training and are hired, you can apply for specialized training like hazmat/aerial rescue. The positions are challenging and you will never find anything as intense as your first flash over.
Best of luck
2006-11-26 16:06:51
answer #4
answered by nmp948 4