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4 answers

are you talking about a live in or live out nanny?
before or after tax?

on average a live out nanny in london would be earning between £450 and £550 net a week.

for more info look at the site below.



2006-11-26 08:55:42 · answer #1 · answered by lola 5 · 0 0

i'm sorry, yet $8.seventy 5 an hour isn't adequate. Are you pay her taxes? keep in mind 2 little ones is plenty. A 2 year previous is a handful, a 4 month previous desires various of interest. an complete time nanny will in many situations receives a fee $10 an hour. Please reassess, keep in mind your leaving her with the most priceless possessions you've. She going to do her proper with your little ones. She worth each and every penny you spend.

2016-11-26 23:38:11 · answer #2 · answered by holguin 4 · 0 0

The salary/remuneration for a particular job is the market value for a particular profession and designation at the city/town where the office is located. Job postings at websites like Monster, Yahoo HotJobs and Careerbuilder carry information about salaries. The Govt Dept of Labor, (www.bls.gov) Bureau of statistics has information about median salaries for different professions and details of additional compensation offered. Other online resources are salary.com and payscale. Your salary will also depend on your educational qualification and how you handle your career. More details and links to relevant websites available at http://tinyurl.com/rndxq

2006-11-26 22:12:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably not a lot because anyone who can afford a nanny will be rich and therefore tight with their money, they will expect you to be honoured to work for them.

2006-11-26 08:55:39 · answer #4 · answered by georgeygirl 5 · 0 0

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