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Taget the dept. store called me for an interview tomorrow Iam 16 and I dont know what to do... do i need a resume..? money..?? WHAT DO I DO??? please can anyone help me please... i really want this job!!

2006-11-26 06:29:55 · 10 answers · asked by Kellie N 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

10 answers

A few thoughts:

1. Dress like people dress who have the job already (or at least how the boss would have you dress).

2. Make sure your resume has everything on it that you hope the interviewer will write down in their notes.

3. Practice this interview with a friend. Have them do at least one being a jerk, focusing on some area of weakness in your resume. After that, any interview that Target does will be a piece of cake.

4. Building on #3, make sure you have good answers for question that you know they're gonna ask. ESPECIALLY have good answers for problem areas -- a job that didn't work out so well, or lack of experience, etc.

5. Know that the person doing the hiring has two goals -- hire a good person as soon as possible, and hiring a person who will do the job who is NOT a head case. You need to show them that you're ready to go, and NOT gonna be a PITA (Pain in the A&&). They've already got enough PITAs.

6. For the LOVE OF GOD! PLEASE remove nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc. COVER UP those tatoos! Do NOT show up with green hair! REMOVE THE TONGUE PIERCING! Comb your hair, have conservative makeup (if they notice it, then it's too much). Brush your teeth, have a nice hair cut. SHOWER!!! I know that this should go w/o saying, but....

You don't want to send the message to this person that you're a head case (see the previous point), and those things send really REALLY bad vibes.

2006-11-26 06:45:05 · answer #1 · answered by geek49203 6 · 0 0

First, relax. You'll do great. You don't need to bring a resume if you already turned in a job application (and I'm assuming you did since they called you). No, you don't need any money. I would bring some form of identification. If you don't have a driver's license, then maybe your social security card. All you need to do is show up on time (even a little early), look nice, and answer the questions truthfully. Try to not seem negative about anything. For example, if they ask you how you like school, don't say you hate any of your teachers (it shows a negative attitude towards authority). Just be polite, positive and honest. Tell the interviewer thank you and shake his or her hand when you're done.

2006-11-26 06:45:42 · answer #2 · answered by Amy 3 · 1 0

You should always dress as nice as possible for an interview, even if it is in retail it shows them that you are making an effort to impress them, and you only have one impression on an employer before your hired. Dress up! Walk in and do your best to NOT act nervous I know it may be hard, but remember that target is a big retail place they focus on customer service, the easier you are to talk to for the interviewer the better your chances will be of getting hired. This is an important skill that will get you very far in life. Talk to the interviewer like an aquaintance, don't be afraid to ask questions, questions show that you are interested in the job. As for what to bring, bring a folder in case you recieve any papers, a resume would make you look a little more professional. Never bring a friend with you, always go alone, ive heard employers laughing about how some people bring there friends with them to interviews. don't do it. Basically just bring yourself, a notepad, a pen, and sure bring a resume, but only if your resume has substance to it, if it is almost empty just tell them you would have brought one, but you are hoping to get this job to get some positive experience for your resume. think of some questions they will ask you before hand; like, What qualifies you for this job, and be honest, i interviewed at the home depot a few years ago and i said, "well nothing to be honest, i don't have any customer service or cash register experience, but i am really hoping to get some positive experience out of this. they will ask you some situational questions as well, like about how you would react in a situation or they will ask about some experiences in the past that you have had.
to summarize this basically be confident, be VERY friendly, don't be shy or nervous, and bring a pen and paper at least. oh an DRESS UP!!! also bring some ID, they will probobly need it

2006-11-26 06:42:47 · answer #3 · answered by Scrump 2 · 0 0

Of course, it's obvious that you are very young and probably do not have a resume. If you do, make sure it is very neat and the spelling is correct! Dress very neat and clean but don't wear a dressy dress if the job you will be doing does not require it. Dress the way you would if you get the job. MAKE EYE CONTACT! Ask the interviewer a question or two about the company or share some good comments you've heard about Target - interact. No, you will not need any money, but take your social security card and drivers license, if you have one, so they can copy them - always. Just be sure you have two forms of identification.Good luck and I'm impressed that you're making money so young.

2006-11-26 06:42:31 · answer #4 · answered by Jo Jo 2 · 0 0

It would be good to take a resume but not absolutely necessary in this circumstance. If you're 16 and this will be your first job, it won't be long - schools you've attended, any honors you've gotten there or organizations you've belonged to; if you've had jobs like yard care or babysitting, you can mention that too.

Have the names, addresses and phone numbers of a couple references with you, people who have known you for a long time, can be teachers, people at your church, neighbors, someone you've babysat for.... they might ask for references. Be sure to ask the people if you can use them for a reference.

Dress neatly - don't need to be formal, but don't go in jeans.

Smile, shake hands with the interviewer when you go in saying something like "Hi, I'm (your name)." Look the interviewer in the eye, and answer their questions.

Good luck in getting the job. If they called you for an interview, your application must have looked good.

2006-11-26 06:50:09 · answer #5 · answered by Judy 7 · 0 0

create a cv for yourself; write what you enjoy doing (try and think of things to do with the job, or if you do martial arts then it's always good to mention.. you get the picture) , your skills (languages spoken, computing skills), where you've lived...

make sure you look very clean and organised. wash your hair that morning and either straighten it or do a low bun. don't wear jeans! wear then kind of pants that you wear with a suit and leather shoes. wear a simple v-neck sweater with it to look casual but smart.

bring money, your cv, your school file if it's particularly good and some deodorant (i swear, you can get hot in these situations, so always bring some). put all this in a leather bag along with lip blam, cellphone and all the other stuff you normally carry around.

most imporantly: GET THERE ON TIME! first impressions could mean everything to your new boss and you musn't look like your rushed!

don't worry, you'll glide through the interview. don't lie to questions you'll be asked: you'll get found out in the end.

and that's it!

good luck girl!

2006-11-26 06:38:15 · answer #6 · answered by chocolate.smartie 2 · 0 0

Write a resume to help you what to say. It's really difficult to write than too many accomplishments at your age though, so use a lot of accomplishments in school and at home to show your assets. Act professional and not cute. Don't force the money issue since again at you age it's hard to give you too much money without that much experience.

2006-11-26 06:34:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should need to bring a resume. You shouldn't need money. Dress nicely, use your maners, and good luck getting the job! :)

2006-11-26 06:33:45 · answer #8 · answered by ღღღ 7 · 0 0

they called you and i have send many applications i guess u were lucky. i think you should take your resume and wear professional clothes.

2006-11-26 06:33:27 · answer #9 · answered by J.r. 3 · 1 0

be confident and dont hesitate, all the best :)

2006-11-26 06:45:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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