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In January, it will be 3 years that this girl I work with came to our department. In the 3 years she's been working with us, she has not learned a single thing. She cannot remember how to do something a week after I showed her. I'm constantly showing her how to do things and it takes so much of my time. Last week, while our boss was on vacation, she did so many stupid things I cannot even count and I'm absolutely amazed how little her brain actually retains. I actually hate going to work because I know my work is getting behind while I have to stop everything and show her how to do things. Should I talk to my boss about this Tuesday when he gets back from vacation and tell her? I feel like a tattle tale or something but it's ridiculous...I feel if you can't do the job, go somewhere else, like Burger King!

2006-11-26 06:15:35 · 10 answers · asked by ~Stacy ~ 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Pat M - yeah, she does something right for being there 3 years..."favors" for our boss' boss. I wasn't putting the people at Burger King down, I worked there myself, I was just saying she would do much better there.

2006-11-26 07:00:20 · update #1

10 answers

you do need to report it to your manager, you also need to tell her no. learning to say no will help you get your own work done, and allow the boss to see that she is not doing her work. if you continue to help her, it looks like she is doing her job.

2006-11-26 06:21:36 · answer #1 · answered by iMaTwin 3 · 2 0

Tell your co-worker this: "I'm sorry but I have a lot of work to do myself and won't be able to help you". When your boss returns from vacation, calmly explain that this co-worker is taking up all my time to the point that you're not able to get any of your own work done. If it has been 3 years and you're co-worker is not able to perform their job, they need to look elsewhere. Don't ever feel embarrassed to confront your boss about stuff like this. This action taken will be better for company morale in the long run.

2006-11-26 06:30:16 · answer #2 · answered by sunny4life 4 · 0 0

Three years and she still has a job on poor work performance.
Good luck on trying to get anything done. I feel you waited to long to complain. I think also telling you bosses at this time wont help. They may look at her work and see it is getting done. The only suggestion would be is to let her get behind. When the work does not get done, let her do the explaining. If the meeting from the bosses make changes in her you know you have their support.

2006-11-26 06:34:13 · answer #3 · answered by Grandpa Shark 7 · 0 0

If the questions being asked involve SAFETY in any manner, then she should have to go to the boss. Of course, you could have some fun with your situation: Send her down to the supply room for a "counter stretcher" or "sky hook" or "checkered paint". Then, everyone would laugh at her and she would get so embarassed that she might just quit, and go to Burger King on her own. But, don't send her to my Burger King because she might just end up putting boogers on the sandwiches of everyone who made fun of her at her last job.

2006-11-26 06:58:54 · answer #4 · answered by timbo44b 3 · 0 0

I'm no expert...but if you don't talk to your boss and tell him what's going on, nothing is going to get resolved. You have two choices: do you want to continue being miserable and suffer everyday with this lady for the rest of your carreer? Or do you want to put an end to it, talking to your boss? Risking your sanity or her getting angry at you? It seems you don't like her very much in the first place, so why should you care about her getting upset with you? I'd say DEFINATELY talk to your boss and put your poor little mind at ease! Good luck!

2006-11-26 06:23:41 · answer #5 · answered by Redd 2 · 1 0

If part of your job is training her or showing her how to do things, then you need to talk to your supervisor.

If it's not an official part of your job and you've just been trying to be nice, then maybe it's time to stop helping her. Sounds like it's affecting your performance, since you're spending so much time helping her.

2006-11-26 07:02:21 · answer #6 · answered by Judy 7 · 1 0

Tell the boss. He needs to know, as this affects both how well the job gets done, and the morale.

2006-11-26 06:19:27 · answer #7 · answered by Ralfcoder 7 · 1 1

Yes explain to your boss but be cool and calm .
Tell her you need someone else to show your co worker how to do her job.
Suggest she watches her and then she will know exactly what to do about the co worker.

2006-11-26 06:20:11 · answer #8 · answered by StarShine G 7 · 1 0

She must be doing something right if she has been there for 3 yrs.
Don't offend the people at Burguer King, do you have a PhD?

2006-11-26 06:25:18 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Why are you the one who has to stop and show her?

Tell her you are too busy and make her go to your boss and have him do it. He will get sick of it soon enough.

2006-11-26 06:22:34 · answer #10 · answered by BoomChikkaBoom 6 · 2 1

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