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2006-11-26 05:44:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

6 answers

You don't hear as much about the Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy mythology these days. Those folks who really believed in it and pushed the various stories are now busy pushing 9/11 Conspiracy myths that claim Osama Bin Lauden is an innocent man and that US Government agents are the real terrorists of the story. That should tell you something about the sort of people you're dealing with when you hear the Kennedy stories about Oswald being an innocent man and US Government agents being the true assassins.

Here is the truth of the matter and although it isn't as exciting as the conspiracy myths, it really is how it happened.

The assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald and he shot President Kennedy and Governor Connolly from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depositry. There is absolutly no evidence to indicate anyone else was involved and a ton of evidence that points directly to Oswald and no other.

Oswald was a trained Marine Corp Marksman and tests have shown over and over again that he had more than enough time to fire the three necessary shots. The wounds produced on the body of President Kennedy as well as Governor Connolly show conclusivly that the rounds that struck them came from high, behind and to their right. The only place that the shots could have come from was the School Book Depository building. Oswald was using a scoped rifle and the distance was not that great, less than 275 yards for the third and last shot. Despite the oft repeated claims that the FBI's top marksmen could not reproduce Oswald's accuracy, tests have shown it to be a fact that anyone with a moderate degree of skill with a rifle could have accomplished it.

The so called "magic bullet" is really not magic in the least since the men line up almost perfectly to Oswald's sniper nest. Connolly, in a Lincoln limo, was sitting considerably inboard as well as in front of Kennedy unlike in the diagrams the conspiracy buffs usually use where Connolly is directly in front of Kennedy. The rounds Oswlad was usung were military surplus full metal jacketed bullets so the round was designed not to mushroom upon impact and to produce maximum penetration. The bullet only did what it was designed to do and therefore shouldn't be considered to be very magical in any regard. In fact, it not striking the two men would have been far more suspicious.

Oswald's rifle was of the same caliber that stuck the two men and the ballistics matched. Oswald's prints were on the rilfe and he was seen by several people in Dealy Plaza firing from the sixth floor window of the School Book Depository, where he worked, as the motorcade passed.

After he escaped in the confusion Oswald was stopped several hours later by a Dallas police officer named Tippet and, in front of half a dozen witnesses, Oswald pulled a pistol and shot Tippet to death before being captured. A curious act for an innocent man.

Those who claim that there were shots fired from the famous Grassy Knoll say their evidence is that smoke from the gunshots was seen. This is then to assume that the gunmen must have been named D. Crocket and D. Boone since smokless powder, note the word "smokless", has been in use since the late 1800s and a modern rifle wouldn't have produced enough smoke to be worthy of note. Also the shots clearly came from behind and if there were shooters on the Grassy Knoll they must not have hit anything after firing at a very close range.

Seriously, every one of the conspiracy buffs pieces of "evidence" is easly disproven. Those who say, "We may never know who killed Kennedy" are ignoring, or refusing to accept the real evidence which all points to Oswald as the lone gunman. I once worked with a guy, smart fellow and graduate of Georgetown, who would get all glassy eyed when he spoke of the Kennedy Assassination and would recite all manner of incorrect facts about the event. Mostly he was quoting from Olive Stone's fanatsy based movie "JFK". I finally decided to call him on what he was saying one day and after answering all his questions he declared that he had decided that the total lack of evidence for a conspiracy was itself evidence of a conspiracy. Belief in the conspiracy for him transcended the need for evidence to support that belief and our conversation was basically over.

The reason for this sort of behavior is probably that most people don't like to think that a nobody like Oswald could kill one of the most important men in the world. Basically it comes down to the question of if something like that can happen to Kennedy then what does it say for their own sense of security. It is actually more comforting for many to imagine that in order for President Kennedy to die that day there had to be a gigantic conspiracy involving the government, the mafia, the CIA, FBI, Cubans, UFO/ Aliens from Roswell and a militant homosexual underground. All those have been advanced in various theories as the culprits but the real answer is far less exciting. If we were playing CLUE the answer would be, Lee Harvey Oswald, with a rifle, from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depsoitory.

Sorry if this bursts any bubbles.

2006-11-26 07:45:12 · answer #1 · answered by mjlehde@sbcglobal.net 3 · 1 1

There are many conspiracy theories regarding the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Many of these theories propose a criminal conspiracy involving parties such as the Federal Reserve, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the KGB, the Mafia, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director J. Edgar Hoover, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Fidel Castro, Cuban exile groups opposed to the Castro government and the military and/or government interests of the United States.

2016-03-29 09:49:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It will always remain one of life's unsolved mysteries. I do believe Oswald was a shooter, but I also believe he wasn't alone.

And I seriously doubt he shot both the President and Governor with 1 bullet, the so called 'magic bullet'.

2006-11-26 06:07:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2006-11-26 05:52:05 · answer #4 · answered by trudycaulfield 5 · 1 0

The world may never know the complete truth

2006-11-26 05:53:24 · answer #5 · answered by norsmen 5 · 0 0

Look to your past government for your answer and ask if you dare.

2006-11-26 06:04:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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