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If pot is illegal, shouldnt alcohol be as well? How many people are killed by stoned drivers and compared to drunk? Honest opinions only.

2006-11-26 04:51:27 · 13 answers · asked by Sticky Icky the Wizard 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

13 answers

Pot is illegal because it was competition for the cotton grower. During the civil war it was outlawed mainly because of its fibers. Hemp (Marijuana) can grow faster then most plants and produce much more usable material than the cotton plant. Hemp can grow up to a 30 foot tap root, in search of water. Hemp seed contains more protein then the soy bean. It can be used for so much other than the drug effects. Sadly its outlawed for these reasons. As long as DuPont and DOW chemicals are around hemp will be outlawed. Also take into account all the Drug companies who provide campaign money to all the senators who have drug laws approved and denied. If pot was legal maybe someone would not be on Prozac or Paxil. Alcohol will always be legal. It makes to much revenue. From the people who manufacture alcohol to the distributers. Then the bar owners who mixes a bottle and makes a couple 100$ on it. To the state who pops people for DWI's. Then lawyers who get paid to get you off. Then the insurance comp. who rapes you every year to drive. So alcohol makes to much money and will never be illegal regardless of how many people are killed and families destroyed by alcoholism. I smoke pot when I want, and don't really care what the Feds say. So put me in jail. That's where the good pot is anyways.

2006-11-26 05:11:12 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel R 4 · 0 0

Pot is illegal only because a buddy of the President of the US patented the process for pulp paper, which is less efficient and worse for the environment.

And they tried banning alcohol, it didn't work as you can make it at home.

Of course arguable banning pot hasn't worked either. There is probably more crime and loss of life because of banning pot than there was during prohibition.

And where I live (Ontario, Canada) pot was legal (possession, not trafficking) one summer because the Supreme Court struck down the law as unconstitutional and gave the government a certain amount of time to create a new law, which they failed to do in time. You know what happened? NOTHING! I few more people smoke pot in public.

Many things are drugs, pot, alcohol, caffeine, Tylenol, heroin, methadone, etc. Some are legal and some are not, some require a prescription. Marijuana has obvious medicinal purposes, and yet many prescription drugs have obvious recreational uses. So there really isn't any logic to it.

But marijuana isn't addictive, doesn't really have much in the way of side effects (compared to prescription drugs) and the banning of hemp and the subsidy of corn will continue to have serious ecological and social impact on our society and the rest of the world.

2006-11-26 04:54:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is a drug, of course.
It is a less harmfull drug than alcohol. To the user and to others.
It is not biochemically adictive neither does it make the user dependent (before you criticize this, look up the scientific definition of dependence). It can, however, cause a vice. As can alcohol, cigarretes, sex and food.
I could see a world with legal recreational pot use.
People who haven't smoked pot, really cannot know what they're talking about. With all do respect.
The only problem i see is people wanting more chemicaly toxic drugs, like cocaine, which are also adictive and create organic dependence. This is a real danger.
I don't know if legalizing pot will make it better or worse, to be honest. But as far as pot is concerned, i don't see why it should be a crime to use it withrecreational purposes.

2006-11-26 05:09:50 · answer #3 · answered by carlospvog 3 · 0 0

A true drug by nature. Yes. It is a weed. The Indians had the peace pipe.

It was the 60's movement that put pot on the front line because more people started doing it. If they legalized it, more people would get treated for their ailments quicker and I think that more people will switch over to pot rather than drinking if it is the form of a pill. What we don't need is anymore smoking anything in this world! It is bad on the lungs.

2006-11-26 05:08:19 · answer #4 · answered by msflightatt 4 · 0 0

Pot is not a narcotic, but I suppose it can be classified as a non-addictive drug. I think it should be legal, not because alcohol is legal, but because it causes no real harm to users. There are probably some health risks associated with it, about as great as the health risks from eating at McDonald's, or driving to work. The secret to pot-smoking is in you being the one to use the pot, don't let the pot use you. If a person can maintain themselves--going to work or school or whatever your responsibilities are, paying bills on your own, not taking from others, then why not? If you can't live up to your responsibilities and smoke dope, then leave it alone. Choice.

2006-11-26 05:00:38 · answer #5 · answered by Erwin B 3 · 0 0

Pot is a drug by nature.
I don't know if it should be legalized. I'm too simple to understand the full social ramifications of legalizing drugs.
I can't argue that alcohol shouldn't be illegal, but the crime rate was so great in response to prohibition that alcohol was decriminalized. Is pot worse for you than alcohol? It is not a harmless drug, but we don't have enough scientific data to know it's true negatives and positives.
Driving decisions and reactions and perceptions are altered by the use of pot and it is involved in far more accidents than you are led to believe by the pot lobby. No one in their right mind can argue successfully that an altered mental status is not problematic.

2006-11-26 04:59:47 · answer #6 · answered by Hank Hill 3 · 0 0

Pot should be legal. it grows in the dirt. i grow it next to my tomatoes.
I agree with the it dosent kill as many as alcohol. most people get a buzz, raid the fridge, and pass out. the people that die are the ones who mixed a few together and the one still in the system is pot. all the newer drugs are out of your system right away, so its harder to trace, so most of the drug related deaths are linked to pot. i would like to see marijuana legalizied. that way the police can focus on the true drugs( coke, meth, crack,herion). these drugs can ruin your life in the matter of seconds. and they are the more of the drugs that violent criminals are likly to peddle.

our government would never go for the leagalization of pot. they wouldn't get a fair share of the profits. if would be nice if it was legal. i would feel better going into a store and instead of having to buy alcohol( i dont drink), i could buy some pot. i can at least function after a hoot. i cant after drinking.

2006-11-26 05:12:33 · answer #7 · answered by knowitall 4 · 0 0

Different forces at work made pot illegal and liquor legal.

I think it should be legalized so people lose interest in it

2006-11-26 04:53:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is legal to those who need it. You can get a prescription from your doctor for it as long as you really honestly need it. Otherwise I don't think that it should because then you will have more workplace accidents and more deaths.

Just my opinion.

2006-11-26 04:55:04 · answer #9 · answered by pinky_lady_2006 3 · 1 1

It should be legalized. At least you don't have to contend with someone driving drunk and killing you and your family.

2006-11-26 04:55:07 · answer #10 · answered by docie555@yahoo.com 5 · 2 0

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