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22 answers

The far left fringe freaks are - YES.

Immoral, Godless, hedonistic, deviant, PC, hate personal responsibility and consequences - THESE types of liberals are the worst thing to happen to America - again - YES.

2006-11-26 04:39:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

Mike Dukakis Barack O Mondale and Ferraro Albert Gore, John Kerry advertising worldwide Warming Schemes Jimmy Carter; Harry Reid Barney Frank's a freaking queen Rostenkowski, Norman Lear Olbermann & bill Maher that they had type, that they had grace Janet Reno gave solid face Sonya, Ginsburg, Elana too Bella Abzug, we adore you Illegals with an attitude Homos that have been interior the temper do not in basic terms stand there, enable's get to it Vote liberal, there isn't something to it

2016-10-13 03:45:06 · answer #2 · answered by pereyra 4 · 0 0


The worst thing that ever happened to the American way of life is the creation of massive Monpolies, with largely corrupt directorships, which robbed and pillaged public coffers.. and completely dominated the political and social landscape for decades now..

Other massive companies which peddle very low quality products, have created a massive obesity epedemic as well as rafts of new and increasing diseases, which have also greatly impacted on the American way of life..

The crime problem, with the loose gun laws in USA.. and the constant record high violence rates in America.. are all internal problems.. and have existed long before Liberals (who are trying to actually fix this problem once and for all).. it is actually the RIGHT who has always vehemently supported gun rights and laws.. and who owns and controls ALL of the companys involved with production of weapons used in 80% of "weapon" crimes.. REPEATING.. Liberals.. DO NOT own or support these gun shops nor gun laws! THE RIGHT WING CONERVATIVE DOES.. and we all know violence and crime are america's biggest problem..

FURTHERMORE.. it is a Conservative government.. and not a Liberal Left government who lead you to Iraq.. and Iraq stands now and into the future as having a major impact on the American way of life..

So to answer your question.. NO!!

I'd be more incline to blame the ultra rich class.. being the Conservative RIGHT WING! AKA: Neo-Cons

2006-11-26 05:33:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, but in the same vein I think that judicial activism is the worst thing that has happened to our American way of life, the worst thing that started with Roe v. Wade and struck again most recently with the NJ Supreme Court decision in late October to give homosexuals in that state marriage benefits.

They are taking justice and morality out of the hands of the people and putting it in the hands of a manipulative and corrupt minority.

2006-11-26 10:03:31 · answer #4 · answered by STILL standing 5 · 0 1

No, not even close. There are extremists on both sides, and they all fall short when it comes to changing our way of life. Far right conservatives were not successful in adding discrimination to our Constitution, the moderate point of view stopped that right in its tracks. Far left liberals have not succeeded in their agenda to impeach Bush and have little chance of doing so. Why? Moderates again. Moderates are the reason those who think religion should be entwined with government will never succeed. They are also the reason that liberals will never be successful in taking guns from the general population. The best defense we have in this country from extremists on either side is to stand firmly with both feet in moderate territory so we are able to temper the more extreme views that could hurt our country. That threat can come from the far right every bit as much as it can from the far left.

2006-11-26 05:58:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Oh no. The Military Commissions Act and the death of habeas corpus have far worse implications for the American way of Life than anything a Liberal has done. We can't blame Liberals for the Republicans and Democracts destroying the foundation of democracy.

2006-11-26 04:43:37 · answer #6 · answered by mgpridgen 1 · 4 1

Define the "american way of life"

I always understood it as "life, liberty and the persuit of happiness".

Conservatives support war and the death penalty (so goodbye to life), introduced draconian laws like the PATRIOT act, and increased the number of non-violent crimes a person can be jailed for (so goodbye to liberty) and have dramatically cut financial provision to groups that help the poorest of the poor) so goodbye to happiness if you're not a WASP).

Liberals stand against these things so are more in support of the basis of the "american way of life".

2006-11-26 04:42:18 · answer #7 · answered by Cardinal Fang 5 · 5 1

Right if it wasn't for loud mouthed liberals like Jefferson and Madison King George would have sealed the ownership of all life and chattel, in North America

America would have the Union Jack instead of the Stars and Stripes.

Go big Red Go

2006-11-26 04:41:33 · answer #8 · answered by 43 3 · 4 2

They are the worst thing that has happened to "any" way of life... Europe is almost a total loss now.

2006-11-26 05:04:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

No but you need a balance. Liberals like to talk a good game. Tell everyone what they will do to fix everyones problems. Like put everyone in a never ending Welfare system. They forget to tell you they will raise your taxes to pay for Suzy-Q to stay home and raise her three kids because their three different daddies won't do it. So the kids are raised in the Welfare system and that is what they are used to. What happened to "if you don't work, you don't eat"?

2006-11-26 04:41:44 · answer #10 · answered by e.sillery 5 · 1 3

The worst thing to happen to the "American way of life" is political and religious divisiveness, along with shitty international policy.

2006-11-26 04:35:49 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

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