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I'm trying to write a piece exploring a coherence/holistic interpretation of knowledge where statements/theories are mutually supporting.

I am looking for a good example. "Evolution" is just too contentious and, as yet, too unspecific in its conlusions. "Plate techtonics" was another idea, but it seems just too singular in its output - not so much a group of inter-related theories but the only available meta-theory to stick onto the base thoeries.

What I'm really after is to be able to ask "how do we know X" and to have a group of theories supporting X, say, A, B, C and I can say "we could just as well started by asking how we know B"

Anyone got any ideas?

2006-11-26 03:28:53 · 5 answers · asked by anthonypaullloyd 5 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

I fail to find "inconclusiveness" in my question, or any implication of it.

As far as it being a paradigmic scientific theory as great a philosopher of science as K R Popper denied that is was a theory at all.

The coherence theory of truth exists, whether it is correct or not, it is still worthy of discussion. To discuss it one needs to outline it. In fact to refute it one needs to outline it - and a example is one good way of outlining it.

2006-11-26 04:35:58 · update #1

Unfortunately maths won't work:
1 - I'm no good at maths!
2 - I want to discuss how MOST of our knowledge is based on other knowledge (coherence) and then look for ways that that knowledge can be constrained by, for want of a better word, reality. Maths can, Godel notwithstanding, be completely coherent and nothing to do with "reality"

I want to look at the interplay of coherence and empirical "reality" and, unfortunately, that means looking at some emprical theories.

2006-11-26 05:18:16 · update #2

5 answers

Measurement of cosmic distances. We measure the solar system by transits and laws of planetary motion. This estabishes the basis of the size of Earth's orbit to measure parallax of nearby. With distance, luminosity measurement can be calculated as abolute, not relative. You can use the temperature luminosity relationship to infer the distances of more distant stars, and so on.

2006-11-26 07:06:51 · answer #1 · answered by novangelis 7 · 1 0

You have to go to the method. I don't know what you're talking about with the 'inconclusiveness' of evolution. It's a paradigm scientific theory. Go to the specific battles of justification in ANY field and you will find a wealth of tautology. Coherence theory doesn't exist because it doesn't cohere with reality. Go look more carefully.

2006-11-26 12:08:33 · answer #2 · answered by -.- 4 · 1 0

'theories are mutually supporting'
this is a NECESSITY to call something a theory

but i know exactly what u mean...this is one of the smartest questions ive seen on y!a...its a pity i cant answer it

jesus fkin christ! this is THE smartest question ive seen here

know what...instead of looking for scientific theories look for mathematical ones...theyre easier to find(i meant ur set of theories are easier to find in math than in science)

yes im fairly confident that it exists...hell until i can figure out y not it surely does

'be completely coherent and nothing to do with "reality"'
thats what i meant...anythin u pick will be coherent with the others...and math has EVERYTHING to do with 'reality'...if i have a scale of coherence, ill have religion @ one end followed by science philosophy and math...
i think what you mean is most people cant fathom what math has to do with reality...in which case, im gonna assume ure writing this for a layman...
anyway, good luck...ure definitely on to something

to be honest...i was gonna write the same thing for my college application essay...so ill let u know if i come up with any set of theories...

2006-11-26 11:32:57 · answer #3 · answered by Spiderpig 3 · 1 0

I don't have the knowledge of "Theories" but I see what you seek. God did not just create all things millions of years ago and vanish. God created all things from his own being. See romans 1-19/20, God VISUALIZED all of his creation to the smallest of detail,then from out of his being he released his VISION OF HIMSELF to begin manifestating through the "BIG BANG". the process is still expanding,some call this process Evolution. the facts of evolution prove God Exist and is still hard at work on his creative design. Additional notes. Scientist now say even time came from the "Big Bang". In meditation I see time does not exist except in the human mind. the only time you are alive is "NOW". Scientist recently,while photographing nebuli discovered Substance in what was believed to be empty space. also scientist recently discovered in test at near absolute vaccuum ,suddenly substance appeared from nothing. Love whistle britches.

2006-11-26 13:07:29 · answer #4 · answered by Weldon 5 · 0 3

You stated the answer very well. in how we know, just as what lead us to believe it to be the next.In my un-official opinion.

2006-11-26 11:35:54 · answer #5 · answered by Conway 4 · 0 0

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