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I don't get it we are a different culture but we treat others like crap what. We have the same blood, same body parts, it all goes back to treat others the same as you want to be treated.

2006-11-25 22:27:31 · 13 answers · asked by melony f 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

13 answers

Because they are ignorant and feel insecure.

2006-11-25 22:30:44 · answer #1 · answered by zymzyv 3 · 2 0

The biggest reason is because some ethnic groups commit an inordinately large amount of the crimes committed in their home country. In the U.S., blacks account for 16% of our population but their population in the prison system is over 80%. Most crimes are intraracial (meaning the perpetrator and the victim share the same race). Interracial crime (perpetrator and victim are of different races) is about 10% white against black and 90% black against white. That is just part of the reasons to be a racist. Trust me, there are a lot more reasons.

2006-11-25 23:03:58 · answer #2 · answered by damndirtyape212 5 · 0 0

They say it is taught. But when they say that, they make it sound like the parents teach the kids to hate. Consider this point.
A kid grows up without being racial, then moves to a place where there are a lot of Black for example. Now he minds his own affairs but the Blacks attack him as he goes through Black section to and from school, as it's the only way to school.

They rob him and if it comes down to a fight, 2,3,4 plus Blacks gang up on the other race instead of one on one. Add to this the Blacks call each other the N word, but it's racial if another race does it? No matter who does it, it's still an insult. Then there is the Black crime rate, including Black on Black crime. Look , listen to the rap songs. Promote sex, drugs, violence and vulgar lyrics.

Just like Richards, what he said was wrong and getting a lot of attention. But why is nothing said when the Blacks use Cracker, Honky, Ghost, Casper, Whitey in their jokes or when they use names like that, they are never accused of being racial. There is a double standard in this country.

Some races teach the others how to hate them. Spent 8 years inthe Navy, every country I went to, they considered the Blacks very low. Why? because of the way the Blacks acted and carried themselves. I went back overseas (Asia) last Sept 06, was not talking about races. The locals asked me if the Blacks were as violent and crime ridden in the States as much as they were in that country. Look at the crime rate in Africa, the poverty. Ever notice that where ever they settle, crime goes through the roof?

Why does 5% of the population make up most of the jail, prison population? What it boils down to is this. A race, any race can teach the other to hate them by the way they act, carry themselves demand special treatment. Respect has to be earned, cannot be demanded.

2006-11-25 22:42:07 · answer #3 · answered by bubbles_grandpa 3 · 1 1

Being black I know from experience why many blacks are. We look at our history in America, we cant do a family tree because of the ills of this society. We go to the store and Arabs are following us like were terrorist We come home, turn on the T.V. and there's the Pope, Bush, and now Kramer funny looking ***.

2006-11-25 22:47:14 · answer #4 · answered by MR.D LOVE 3 · 0 0

I know skin color gets blamed for racism, but I personally feel it is actually behavior.

If colors were switched today, I would still dislike the behaviors I see.

I personally don't want to see any ones underwear. Why any race wears their pants exposing their a-- I personally will never know.

Why all races don't speak civilized English, I will never know.


2006-11-25 22:42:58 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

A lot of it boils down to one's environment as well. People are used to seeing people of one kind and associating with them and they often times do not want to get to know others. I was born in America but my parents are Indian-Pakistani and I grew up in small, white towns in America. I faced my fair share of discrimination but I think a lot of people changed their views after getting to know me and realizing I was a regular human just like them.

2006-11-25 22:38:35 · answer #6 · answered by Shaad 3 · 0 0

im not racist, but i am prejudice, i dont care about colour but should have to accept someone who believes are morally wrong on many levels, i think racist is a racist word because you just made the distinction between races

2006-11-25 23:05:08 · answer #7 · answered by justin-leigh s 1 · 0 0

i think it all comes down to a differences in cultures, if you see black and white are so different culturally, same as white and asian or asian and black, i think this sets the races apart..i think theres more to it than this, but this is one aspect i can see

2006-11-25 22:33:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

thank u melony! i just asked a question very similar to it....i hate racism and racists of all kind! and i hate racism overall in anyway! we all have the right to have our own beliefs..and people should respect that !

2006-11-25 22:30:42 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Racism is an animal instinct .It exists more in the extreme, where there is illiteracy .Matured people overcome it.

2006-11-25 22:57:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Racism makes people feel superior to others.

2006-11-25 22:37:01 · answer #11 · answered by RainbowGirl 4 · 0 0

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