Impeachment is the process of bringing a federal officer (President, Vice President, federal judge, etc.) up on charges. It is not a conviction, or a removal from office. Only the U.S. House of Representatives has the power to impeach, and it only takes a simple majority. The U.S. Senate is where the trial is held, and it takes a 2/3 majority to convict and remove from office.
Since the Dems have enough votes in the House (once they take office in January) to impeach, but nowhere near enough votes in the Senate, how do you propose they go about removing Bush (and Cheney) from office? Or, in other words, how would you convince 16 Repubs to vote against their party and commit political suicide (It takes 67 votes, and the Dems only have 51)?
9 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
ever notice that the idiot liberals never seem to elaborate that. the sad part about that is when you compare slick willie and the cigars to the president who at least did something to al qaeda instead of white house interns, the complaint even gets more muddy.
2006-11-25 23:13:08
answer #1
answered by koalatcomics 7
I accept as true with great Shiraz, professional-impeachment types are hoping that Democrats take over the two residences, wherein case they're going to flow after the two Bush and Cheney. they could even prefer to flow after the two if the Democrats in basic terms take over the Senate - figuring that an impeachment of that fee will harm any danger Dennis Hastert might have of having something achieved. it would take a year or extra to flow throughout the time of the impeachment technique, Hastert would not have a guess to to be President very long.
2016-10-17 13:43:55
answer #2
answered by saleh 4
If they don't vote against their party they are committing political suicide. If Polosi doesn't stop voting in crooks from her own party, she won't last long either. It doesn't make much sense to waste two years of tax payer money for impeachment. I do think we need to investigate the reason to go to war and what cover ups had taken place. It's time to start honest government.
2006-11-26 00:05:40
answer #3
answered by jackie 6
It is a shame, I don't think we should impeach them because it would create a huge political backlash and result in more of their ilk returning to power We cannot afford that as a nation.
However, it is nevertheless sad that those two will live on huge pensions for the rest of their lives and never be punished for their crimes.
2006-11-26 01:15:19
answer #4
answered by ash 7
I think that both Bush and Chenny should be charged with profiteering off of the war, misleading America to go to war, allowing those that attacked the US, Saudi Arabia, to remain our friends consitutes treason! If you prosecuted both at the same time you may beable to presuade the republicans that lean towards the center in the senate to vote to remove and convict them
2006-11-25 22:50:42
answer #5
answered by paulisfree2004 6
I had heard that if the Bush administration was told that there would be no charges brought against them if they got rid of Donald Rumsfeld.
I'm not sure if that is true, but this is one time when "NOT" keeping a campaign promise is a good thing.
2006-11-25 22:56:27
answer #6
answered by school1859 5
I wish, you'd need a lot of money to buy out the Bush administration powers.
Sad situation but really you shouldn't blame Bush, what do you expect from a spoiled son worth billions with a history of cushy jobs as difficult as owning baseball teams. He can't even fathom the life of the average american, and why would he??....he's set for life no mater what he does.
The guy didn't win the election to begin with, but money talks and silences the people that have any political power to change things.
I feel sorry for him, he tried his best but he lives in a safe little fairy tale land with no worries about finances for him or his ancestors decades to come.
We ought to ask the folks who did vote for him what were they thinking?? His life experience is not adequate for him to relate to what it is like being an average citizen.
2006-11-25 22:39:41
answer #7
answered by ? 2
How about we do it like in the good old days. Ride up to that big white house wearing white robes and hoods, pull him out, find a tree and string him up.
That's what I call getting back to basics, just like the good old days.
2006-11-25 23:31:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They cannot, and besides, Nancy Polsi says that it would be a waste of time
2006-11-25 22:28:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous