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2006-11-25 18:54:44 · 9 answers · asked by the game 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

9 answers


What many people think of as proof that ghosts exists is merely something they've experienced but can't explain in any other way than saying that it was a ghost.

People who are unable to sleep for several days because of an illness, for example, might hallucinate and "see" dead relatives while he is still awake. A person who didn't know it was the brain taking time out to "dream" while awake might believe that his dead relatives came back to comfort him in his illness.

Photographs of ghosts (orbs, etc.) are little more than way-out-of-focus specks of dust or other airborne particles too close to the flash and lens of the camera.

Still other photographs are merely misuse of the camera. A shaky hand can cause blurs. A person who doesn't know how to properly use the "night portait" setting on a camera might see "energy" from distant lights.

When people visit a "haunted house" they've usually been told what "ghost" is there and where. That biases the visitor--even subconciously--and the visitor will then "feel" something.

John Edward, Sylvia Browne and other "psychics" who claim to talk to the dead are only skilled in an art called "Cold Reading". A major factor in a successful "Cold Reading" is the psychic tossing out very vague references ("I'm seeing water.") and the person being "read" only remembering the "hits"--the vague references the psychic got right--and forgetting the "misses".

There is always an explaination to a "ghostly experience". It's just that the person who experienced it may not know what it is other than to believe it was a ghost.

2006-11-25 19:50:03 · answer #1 · answered by BubbaB 4 · 0 2

Believe for a min that all things have a soul. Some have one...some have 2....some such as humans have 3. When we die our lower soul that has all of our emotions stay here. The other 2 I'm not talking about now. Now this lower soul shud break apart and become souls for lower creatures. What if this soul hangs together and stays in its form... it becomes what we call a ghost. Now a ghost is not the person it is only the emotional part.

2006-11-25 19:51:20 · answer #2 · answered by Tedi 5 · 0 1

This all happened during this past summer (august), here in
Cardiff, UK.

At about 7pm, me and my friend decided to go into the woods
at heath park as we were very bored that day, and I believe it
was one of the hottest days on record for the UK so we were very
hot and bothered.

We trekked into the woods until we came to a huge tree, we sat
by the tree for nearly an hour cooling down and it was also next
to a large pond. At about 9pm we realised that it was very nearly
dark, so we decided to make our way back home.
We had about a 15 minute walk to get back out of the woods
and nothing strange had happened until i noticed a figure about
200 yards away from us back from where we had jost come
from, i thought this was strange but thought nothing more of it.
About 4 or 5 minutes later, i looked back and saw the figure
again but this time it was closer, i thought this was strange as
there were no people close to us when we were at the tree so i
decided to tell my friend. Josh (my friend) thought i was messing
around with him and did not believe me at all, this was much to
my frustration.
about 3-4 minutes later again i looked to the side and the figure
was about 50 yards away only it was in amongst all nettles and
bushes, i was really scared at this point as we weren't even half
way through the journey and it was very nearly dark, i told josh
to keep looking around and to speed up our walking pace. afew
minutes later Josh saw the figure on the other side of us and we
were both really really scared, so we ran. When we got into the
open filed which would lead us to a road, we ran about half way
into it and looked back and we both saw the figure standing on
the edge of the woods, so we ran all the way home.

The figure that we saw was very weird because every time i saw
it, it was perfectly still. We could not make out the face, or
gender of this thing, it was just in what looked like a blue cloak.

I have been back to the spot afew times since in the day and
nothing strange has happened but me or Josh will not go back
there at dusk again.

please email me with any questions, thanks.

2006-11-26 00:29:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, they do exist, my cousins house have some. The ghost can dial and call his friend and just laugh hehehhehe like a witch. Well, there are different types of ghost in different country like Indonesia, we have pocong. Search it in wikipedia.

2006-11-25 23:51:32 · answer #4 · answered by Mike 4 · 0 0

A ghost is what we become when our energy leaves our body. It is a fact that energy can not be destroyed, but it can change form. That is what we do when we "die". They really aren't anything to fear, unless you run into a very angry one(rare). They are around us all the time, we just can't see them, only very rarely when conditions are just right. After years of research I am absolutey positive that they are real and still retain their personalities and traits.

2006-11-28 16:43:48 · answer #5 · answered by MeanKitty 6 · 0 1

Ghosts are just unfortunate beings born in ghost realm.When their time in the ghost realm is up they will be reborn to other realms.

2006-11-25 22:41:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anger eating demon 5 · 0 1

Hmm...well, what do you want to know. If you believe in them, e-mail me. I can tell you a few experiences I have had. If not, well then, there's not much I can say to someone who is skeptical.

My e-mail is MasqueradeMadnis@AOL.com if you would like to contact me.

2006-11-25 20:04:14 · answer #7 · answered by third_syren_of_seduction 3 · 0 2

the same as demons Theyre real and immortal

2006-11-25 22:17:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

ok there is none. you are just scaring yourself silly

2006-11-25 19:10:44 · answer #9 · answered by chevytrk1232000@yahoo.com 4 · 0 2

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