"Let's agree to disagree."
That's the best political philosophy I know of. I credit Jesus with coming up with that one.
'Love thy enemies.'
2006-11-25 12:58:10
answer #1
answered by Tofu Jesus 5
I cannot concede the second part of your first statement. I cannot concede that we all agree to disagree! Not everyone will agree with that and so that is where half the fun comes from, the disagreements, as you say.
I did try to answer this question with humor and facts but don't know if I succeeded. Have fun, anyway.
2006-11-25 21:40:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Many people seem to think that disagreeing means making ugly comments either about the person asking the question or about the topic. That leads to reporting.
The people who usually make the ugliest comments are "trolls" people who post on Internet forums with the sole purpose of eliciting emotional responses. There are others who have a chip on their shoulder or an axe to grind. They are bitter and sarcastic, and only want to use the forum to put down the group or people who they feel hurt them.
I think if people would look past the trolls and the people with chips on their shoulder, and just stick to the topic at hand, it might make for a better forum.
I am just not sure that it is possible to ignore all of the nasty & vituperative comments made in here.
2006-11-25 21:41:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have no problems with other expressing their viewpoint, as long as it is well reasoned.
Most respondents I've seen can be classed as follows:
1. LibbbErAls R teh SuXXors!!1! They R SOooO sHTOOOpID!
2. NeOConS R rETaarDS!!1! BUSh iS teh dumbEst EVAAAAR!!
This is neither constructive nor worthwhile to read.
I've also seen emotional arguments, which again do nothing to discuss the issues. Just because you hate liberals or conservatives doesn't make you right. Your feelings aren't a logical argument.
I'd like to see some real discussion of the issues. I want to see viewpoints, along with reasoning to back them up. I may or may not agree with what someone has to say, but that doesn't mean I don't respect a well reasoned counter-argument.
2006-11-25 21:15:26
answer #4
answered by X 4
Couldn't have said it better myself. We should all lay off the personal attacks and ESPECIALLY the reporting and just disagree, argue, and provide facts to support why we think we are right, but not report. If something is that disagreeable, ignore it, grab a beer, drink it, and by the time you return the Q will be gone. Move on with life. No one should lose their email just because they think one way or another
2006-11-25 21:33:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Hail and well met! I just wanted to speak with you briefly and say thank you for your "reporting of the people that reported me" but I intended all in good fun. The reporting thing is rather frivolous, by my word. This is a level 1 character, and I can resurrect Tom, or Abigail Adams, and have another go. No harm, no foul. And the sincere "reporters" feel they have done their duty to limit free speech and all is well in the world.
Though only one month into "Yahoo Answers" I know well how to play the game, but I thank you kindly for your good intentions. Be well!
2006-11-25 21:36:31
answer #6
answered by Laptop Jesus V. 2.0 2
The main problem is the people who get too emotionally involved in the questions/answers. I like to talk politics but too many people when confronted with evidence that proves them wrong immediately take it as a personal attack instead of just conceding the point.
2006-11-25 21:25:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sorry. I just can't help myself. Bush is so inarticulate that I just feel like screaming whenever I see him representing our country in public on the world stage. The foreign leaders often speak English and express themselves better than he does.
Otherwise, I can always talk the issues rationally. I'm a Liberal for most things, but rational at the end. I'll listen to any point from anyone and take it on the merits. But the Red State/Blue State thing in America is getting out of hand. Sane people won't even listen to worthy opposing arguments any more because we have let people like Rove and Carville degrade discourse down to the level of the WWF.
2006-11-25 21:43:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sure. I rarely report, only twice. One guy for taking statements out of context and made baseless accusations. One guy who made a sick joke of Jews and ovens. So I believe in those cases, sure report away, but if it is just a disagreement on political position, it is childish to report. I don't even report the conspiracy nuts, but I don't mind poking fun at them.
2006-11-25 22:15:30
answer #9
answered by robling_dwrdesign 5
Let me try to sum this up....people are like asswholes, we all have one, and most of them stink. Some stink more than others and will keep proving the point by reporting others. I got reported because I asked if anyone saw a show on the history channel, go figure.
2006-11-26 08:40:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Altho I dont agree with you politically,I agree with you 100% on this issue.LOL,scary I agree with you isnt it?This site is for fun and education and some people wear their feelings on their sleeves or just want some type of revenge for whatever reason.Got reported 6 times in one day for "chatting",if thats not desperate I dont know what is.Good luck in your studies,and great question,just wished both sides would heed your words.
2006-11-25 21:03:13
answer #11
answered by halfbright 5