It might be the Spanish film 'La Cabina' although the plot sounds slightly different:
This short surreal Spanish film directed by Antonio Mercero is one of those films that you will never forget. The story is simple. A man (played by José Luis López Vázquez) takes his young son to school. On the way home he sees a telephone box with its door slightly ajar, as if it's a Venus fly trap, waiting to snare its victims. He enters the booth and tries to make a call, but he finds the phone is out of order.
When the man entered, the door closed behind him, he tries to open it, he cannot. He struggles inside and tries everything to get out. He shouts at passers-by, who glare at the poor man. They are helpless, too. Then a fireman gets a sledgehammer, and just has he attempts to hit the glass, a phone company truck appears with four men in it, honking its horn as if to say this man is ours, we have caught him.
They then put the telephone box on the back of the truck with the man still inside. They take him on a journey through the streets. While stopped at traffic lights, the man looks at the side and sees another man trapped in a telephone box on the back of a truck, just like him. The journey reaches its conclusion as the truck enters a huge underground factory complex. Inside the building the terror is revealed, as rows and rows of telephone boxes are lined up, each with a dead person inside; one has strangled himself with the phone cord. The man knows his fate is sealed and panic sets in.
The end shot is of the phone company men cleaning the phone box and putting it back in the same location and opening its door slightly ajar again.
I have seen another version which is more like the one you describe with a pompous man in a suit - but that was an American film. The most recent film revolving around a phone box was the 2002 film 'Phone Booth'.
2006-11-25 12:50:23
answer #1
answered by lianhua 4
It was easy to find on the Internet Movie Data Base, IMDB
Its called La Cabina 1972, Spanish
Its also known as the Phone Box or Telephone Box for English release.
Check out IMDB and bookmark it . I love the info that you can get there,
Talk to ya,
2006-11-26 09:47:00
answer #2
answered by Shemp 1
Somewhere I have a video of 'La Cabina' the Spanish film lianhua is talking about. I've not watched it for ages but I remember it's quite short. I taped it in the 1980's. There is a link to it below
2006-11-25 13:14:52
answer #3
answered by leekier 4
wow! I guess that if you run a search for phone booth and 1960 film it should come up . I remember this one . But I thought the language was french. Sorry the name is not coming off my tongue. I read this some question and that film came into view but i sorry i donot recall the name.
2006-11-25 12:45:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Is movie artwork? confident... in case you verify out movie in an exceptionally wide experience of the medium, movie is a chain of carefully built photos to generate which potential and emotion. i'm of the opinion that Hollywood cinema is going approximately attempting to wow its audiences with huge specific effects and comparitively dumbed down storylines. I say comparititively because of the fact artwork-homestead cinema in fairly can generate a plenty extra effective fulfillment of emotional connection and demands a much extra knowledgeable eye to reveal screen it. This all comes right down to the way Hollywood has operated because of the fact the 1st worldwide conflict, the place income is each and every thing. it particularly is nearly a device, churning out videos for the loads. artwork-homestead cinema in assessment can not compete with Hollywood in terms of scale and budget, so it should be extra resourceful. A videos objective would be classed in many distinctive techniques, from escapism, to political propoganda, entertainment or training. Is mainstream cinema dumbing down the loads... perchance, yet purely by some concern concerns. i think of television could be blamed for dumbing down the loads, movie demands a visitors interest for a continual quantity of time and so, in my view has a valuable, impacting impression on its objective marketplace. desire this facilitates
2016-10-04 09:02:52
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Its called 'The Telephone Kiosk' I think. Its fantastic isn't it! Its French. I can't remember the directors name though. He made one about a balloon as well.
2006-11-25 12:43:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it was called the telephone kiosk,,, was a pretty good film with a very unusual ending...i last saw that in the 70's good memory you have there
2006-11-25 23:49:04
answer #7
answered by jeff c 3
It's called "Prequel to Doctor Who"
2006-11-25 13:00:07
answer #8
answered by Ta 3
This isn't the exact film you mention but it is a variation of it.
2006-11-25 20:37:06
answer #9
answered by sweets 4
it's not French
the little rabbit in bed
2006-11-25 12:55:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous