Athena the goddess of wisdom~
2006-11-29 06:40:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm torn between Artimis and Athena...two very powerful women, each with their own way of showing justice.
eg...Athena was challenged by the weaver Arachne to a weaving contest. The piece that the mortal made was a mockery of Zeus' love affairs and as punishment Athena turned the girl into a spider, forever doomed to weave and be despised by all who saw her.
Artimis was bathing in a pool when she realized that a young hunter had caught sight of her. To ensure that no one could boast about seeing the goddess in the nude, she turned the man into a stag and he was killed by his own dogs.
2006-11-25 15:49:26
answer #2
answered by left of center 3
Eris with Hermes and Hades coming in a close tie for second.
Eris, gotta love her little tricks.
Hermes, god of thieves, enough said
Hades, he's just so darn cute. His big brother rules, his younger spoilt brother got the sea, and he's stuck with middle child syndrome.
2006-11-25 22:18:37
answer #3
answered by guhralfromhell 4
Hecate. Because she is one of the Greek pantheon who is still sort of shrouded in mystery- she hasn't become 'humanized' like a lot of the others who have all the characteristics of humans; she has the godly air of power and mystery.
Plus, she's the goddess of witches, and you can't beat that.
2006-11-25 11:56:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First of all, it's not Posidion, it's Poseidon.
My personal favorite is Apollo. (God of Truth)
2006-11-25 11:59:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Persephone and Artemis. I can't pick between the two, I like them both the best. (Ok, I know they are Greek goddesses - but I didn't want to leave out the ladies.)
2006-11-25 11:55:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Zeus: how do you top the king of the gods?
He's the ruler of Mount Olympus, and god of the sky and thunder.
2006-11-25 12:00:40
answer #7
answered by jonnyheroes 2
The question is Greek God.... Then my choice is Zeus, the father of the gods, the god of gods.... equates to Yahwah, Odin, (sky gods) and other prime gods. (ie... he kicks ****). He overthrew the titans (old gods).
2006-11-25 12:02:34
answer #8
answered by Dragonlord Warlock 4
mine is also Hecate for the same reasons as the other persons, but also because i believe i was created in the image of her. my personality,characteristics,and interests are exactly the same as hers. she is also the last remaining titan, not killed by zues because he was both scared of how powerful she was and he fell in love with her.
as far as my favorite god, Apollo, hands down.
2006-11-25 16:23:22
answer #9
answered by Hecate Trinity 2
Hermes...the god of communication!He was transfering the messages of the gods to the mortals!
2006-11-26 02:22:35
answer #10
answered by pan 2