My fiance and are entrepreneurs. I quit my job with corporate america because of the toll it was taking on my health and because I was tired of corporate bondage. We have researched and found a few multi-level marketing prorgrams that could be very lucrative if we can just find the right people to share it with. Most people are quick to categorize all multi-level marketing ventures as "pyramid schemes"-- sheme in this term is short for schematics, but it it has a negative connotation when used in conjunction with "pyramid". But our own system of capitalism is built on a "pyramid schematic"-- henceforth, the pyramid on the dollar bill. It's just that in corporate america, the common workers make up the bottom level of the structure and the big people at the top profit big time. There are many multi-level marketing projects that follow the same principles, but give YOU and ME, the opportunity to become financially independent. Where are the people who understand that this is real??
6 answers
asked by
Empress Sky
Business & Finance
➔ Small Business