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I am 22 and i hate the way my breasts look. I am a 34E and they sag so bad my nipples face down. In 3 of the jobs i have had men have just walked up to me and grabbed my boobs. There excuses were they wanted to know if the are real. At the age of 14 i was attacked and the guy who attacked me went for my boobs (i was a 32C then). And at work i have to dress smart and in the office it was hot so i wore a top that showed a little clevege and a guy thought it was fun to try and throw screwed up paper down my top. I told my boss but she just had a word with him. I am sick of having to cover up all the time even when its hot. I cant find nice clothes to fit my bust and my waste. I am getting really down about it, i just sat in the bath crying for an hour. i have a christmas dinner at work coming up i am meant to dress up posh but its just making me really down because nothing looks good on me and i have to watch what i wear because of the males. any advise?

2006-11-25 10:52:24 · 30 answers · asked by joanna 1 in Health Women's Health

30 answers

i really feel for you. go docs as it sounds like they are ruining your life he may get you a reduction or something on the nhs if your british. and speak up to people how dare they sexually harrass you like your a piece of meat. good luck xx

2006-11-25 10:56:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First of all...those men were pigs and should have been arrested. The best thing you can do in the long run is to find an excellent plastic surgeon and have them reduced. Insurances will pay for the procedure providing you have shoulder pain, rashes, etc. You will not be sorry you had the reduction. I wasn't. Now these people who continue to harass you, document the dates, times, witnesses, etc and then file your own sexual harassment lawsuit. You do not have to put up with this. Now, as far as the dinner goes, go into a store that specializes in larger size fashions and ask a "woman" to help fit you properly. You would be surprised what proper fit and attitude does for you!

2006-11-25 11:41:59 · answer #2 · answered by ladygwen 2 · 2 0

hey first things first. Chinup.. you are a better person than any of them and they should be ashamed of themselves. sounds like you would be the perfect candidate for a reduction op on nhs andif the size of your breasts are really getting you down then you should seriously consider it. you dont want to look back on your life and realise you wasted it trying to 'hide' away from the world. Go see your dr and have a chat and take it from there. regarding wht to wear... i am crap with clothes but have the trinny and susannah book. bought it on ebay cos im breast feeding still after the birth of my third and my body has changed so much (including big boobs) and all my clothes made melook like a square. you should get it (the first one) as they are great for showing how to accentuate the good and lessen the not so good.

good luck and i hope that this time next year you will be the first one on the dancefloor and the men throwing mistletoe your way instead of anything else....and you throw it back cos you wouldnt waste your time on them hehe xoxoxox

2006-11-26 09:58:10 · answer #3 · answered by maginty 2 · 0 0

You need to get Breast Reduction Surgery or a Reduction Mammoplasty. You will end up injuring yourself in the long-run if you haven't already. The links below will give you some general information on the subject and if you wish to continue with the procedure, the 2nd link will help you find a certified plastic surgeon in your area.

As for the men, carry some sort of protection, a small taser, a cell phone, and pepper spray.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

2006-11-26 12:00:49 · answer #4 · answered by ineedanswers 3 · 0 0

Speak to your GP, if they are really getting you down you could maybe ask for a breast reduction on the NHS (note that this is only if it is causing other problems e.g. severe depression or back pain). Alternatively, the next bloke who looks at or grabs your breasts, grab his head and push it so far into your clevage that he suffocates. That will stop him! and if you do it in front of the others, that will stop them too! These men sound like assholes to be honest. If they are doing it at work, you could file a sexual harrassment claim against them, especially as your boss doesn't seem to care. Sue them all, then use the money for a reduction! Hope you sort it out, you sound really down.

2006-11-25 11:00:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Those guys should have been charged with sexual harrassment.

It is a popular myth that you have to be the 'right' shape.

You don't

If you don't feel comfortable about the Christmas Party and you think you may be harrassed don't go - pull a sickie with a bad back or a migraine. If these guys have been doing that to you I'd say that's a good enough headache.

You need to find out what your rights are. I hope the girls will help u


2006-11-25 11:01:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm the same size as you - when I was your age it was very difficult. It has gotten easier in some ways as I got older (I'm 37 now) because I now accept myself in a lot of ways I didn't before. Some things never get easier though, like finding clothes that look good. You have a few options - get clothes custom made, get surgery, or stop worrying about it and just be comfortable (I opted for the last one). As far as men at work, that's what sexual harassment laws are for. You're going to need to stand up for yourself - you can't expect anyone else to protect you. You can do it!

2006-11-25 10:59:29 · answer #7 · answered by E A 3 · 2 0

Get a breast reduction. I had one done when I was 20. I went from a size 38DD to a 36C sounds like I had the same problems you do too. A lot of times medical insurance will cover it because it's not just for cosmetic purposes. You can have serious back and shoulder problems. It was the best choice I ever made. I am so glad I did it!!!!

2006-11-25 11:57:10 · answer #8 · answered by Lippy 3 · 2 0

i know just what you are saying. all of my young life i wore baggy t shirts because i didnt want anyone to notice my chest. I was abused and targeted because of the size of my breasts.

i ate and ate hoping that being fat would stop the unwanted attention but that has only made me feel ugly because i am now fat.

The only thing that helped at the time was having a child and breast feeding, that reduced the size significantly.

The only other thing i can suggest, apart from going to your gp and asking for surgery on the grounds of mental and physical health, is going to a reputable shop such as contesssa and being measured for a firm support bra, that i have found helped so much as they looked firmer and more shaped, and as a onsequence of that smaller.

give it a go and good luck!

2006-11-25 11:01:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I can totally sympathise with you there, you have big boobs and people seem to think they're public property and can comment on them as they please. I even had a girl come up to me in a toilet once and squeeze them to see if they were real!! I hope you can learn to love yourself, your confidence needs boosting, the guys at work need sorting out, that is sexual harrassment and you'd have a case in court I'm sure. Only get a reduction op as a very last resort, you deserve to be proud of who you are. Best of luck :o)

2006-11-25 11:01:49 · answer #10 · answered by doodlenatty 4 · 2 0

Buy a really good bra and a really plungy sexy top that you feel great in. First guy who says anything... tell him that he could look but thats it and if he puts so much as a finger near you you will cut it off... THEN, tell your boss that you are being sexually harassed and if they do not do anything about it, you will take it further. Put this complaint in writing. I wear low tops all the time and woe betide any guy that over steps the mark!! He will be singing soprano and job hunting!

2006-11-25 10:57:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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