The world is full of dickheads, and most of them own a car
2006-11-25 10:48:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A dual carriageway is a carriageway where they are seprated by a verge in the middle ( not two lanes of traffic in each direction) the physical seperation of the two oposing flows of traffic, So the national speed limit on a unrestricted dual carriageway is 70mph, Thus a slip road isn't a dual carriageway it is a two lane highway with one way restriction, this would indicate that the speed limit though national is only 60mph. Same applies to motorway slips, beyond the motorway sign.
2016-05-23 02:28:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If anyone ever read the highway code on motorway rules, they would know that the slip road is there for them to adjust their speed to join the flow of traffic on the motorway. As an HGV driver I drive down to Dublin every day from Belfast and if you think that motorway drivers are bad in England try driving down south (Eire). For instance, Last week Artic travelling at 58 mph passing another artic (50 mph) with a car on its tail no less than 10 ft behind him, headlights flashing and fist waving *Idiot*. 5 miles down the road, Chaos, car stuffed up the back of a tanker on the slip road. Found out later in a paper that the car driver blamed the tanker driver for taking up to much of the road.!!!
Moral of the sorry B*****ks to them all, stay in lane and let them fit in to the traffic. PS, I am a car driver and motorcyclist as well.
2006-11-26 03:33:44
answer #3
answered by F650 2
I will only move out in to the second lane to let another truck on to the carriageway at a slip road had cars leave me sitting in the second lane to many times so sod them now they can either accelerate and get in front of me or slow down and get on behind me i am not moving or backing off to let them in.
2006-11-25 21:07:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I've been spending a lot of time driving my car on the motorway lately. I've noticed how stupid some car drivers really are with huge changes in speed and keep weaving and also will just sit behind you in the middle lane for ages without overtaking (why!?). But just stick where you are, the cars will have to go round you! I always make an effort where lorries are concerned I kinda appreciate it is to keep changing lanes and alter speed in a lorry.
2006-11-25 11:07:39
answer #5
answered by Tk 2
Hey, don't worry. I'm always appreciatve that the lorry driver has considered that i'd like to join the motorway and moved over to ensure that I join safley. I think its just hesitation on the cars drivers part, ensuring that they aren't going to have problems joining.
Well done for you, being a considerate driver. Many lorry drivers don't move over, which is frustrating.
It might be wrong, but in a queue to exit the motorway, I leave a large gap infront, not only to save my foot on the clutch, but to let the stragglers and idiots who couln't be bothered to queue like everyone else in. It just seems to flow better that way... Id rather keep moving slowly than stop start all the time.
2006-11-25 10:51:37
answer #6
answered by Nathan 3
first of all , if your on a british road , and your lgv is fitted with a governor then your speed will be limited to 56mph and not 56 kph.
If you are a genuine lgv driver then you will know that it is incorrect to alter your speed or position except to allow another lgv off the acceleration lane and onto the left hand lane of the motorway.
Cars of course brake in much shorter distances , and greater power to weight ratio than lgv mean they can accelerate more easily.Therefore we leave it to cars to slot in around lgv , rather than take unnecessary risks moving when we dont have to.
2006-11-25 11:04:38
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Funny isn' it?
In September, I drove for two weeks in Florida, where the lorries on the interstate were allowed to drive at 70mph, in any lane and all traffic could overtake or undertake as they pleased.
There was no road rage, traffic flowed extremely smoothly and in the two weeks of listening on the local radio, I only heard of 1 accident.
What are we doing wrong?
2006-11-26 00:00:03
answer #8
answered by Bill N 3
No its the car driver. I drive a long wheelbase crew-bus up and down the M6 to work and Back (Do around 1000 miles a week). I often get cars travelling at 65 mph, that suddenly speed up to 70 mph when I get alongside (its usually a young Woman.) I now pretend not to see them and indicate and pull back in across them! They have to avoid me, as they created the situation. I saw a Waggon have to avoid a car the other day, as the car driver decided to pull out into his lane whilst doing @40mph ! (in the four lane section past Preston!)
Car drivers always call waggon and Van drivers, but usually its the cars fault. The problem is that they don't do enough mileage to know any different!
2006-11-25 10:53:13
answer #9
answered by WavyD 4
Here, I'm a truck driver too, I found that if you spend too much time thinking about the actions of others you'l go MAD, F&*K him, stick to your lane!!! Just had a after thought, who in their right mind travels down a slip road and wish to join the motorway at 50kph when the average speed of this road is 110kph, car drivers, who needs them...
2006-11-25 10:47:39
answer #10
answered by danniwallwork 1
Tell me about it. I'm a coach driver and have the same problems you have. Don't these idiots who do 50mph in the middle lane p**s you off as well. You can't use the outside lane and aren't supposed to overtake on the inside. You have my sympathy as drivers nowadays aren't taught to drive. They're taught to pass their test. 2 DIFFERENT THINGS ENTIRELY. Keep safe on the road pal !!
2006-11-26 02:26:20
answer #11
answered by Anonymous